An React Native application that provides watching currency exchange rates and exchanging them.
On this app you can do:
- Singup via tckn, phone num, full name, date of birth..
- Login via boimetrics(fingetprint) or tckn and password
- Check recent transactions
- Watching exchange rates also personalize watchlist
- Exchange currencys
- Creating Accounts
- And more and more..
To install the dependencies, run: npm install
To run a on a Android Development Emulator: npm run android
While we are devoloping this project, we considered that it is easy to customize
- To change page styles you can use seperate style files
- To add new language support you can add new lang file to src/locales directory dont forget to update src/localesindex.js and settings page
- To add and change images you can use src/assets/img folder (as shown below with yellow arrow)
- To add and change lottie animations you can use src/assets/lottie folder (as shown below with green arrow)
- To add and change applicatin colors you can use src/assets/colors.js file (as shown below with pink arrow)
- Share app via QR code
- Share IBAN via QR code
- Create receipt from histry logs as PDF
- Copy IBAN by tapping on card
- Safe logout
- Splash screen
- live data streaming via websocket
- https requests with axios
- UI blocking
- Filtering and sorting data
- Dark and light Theme
- Flexible language support
- animations via lottie
- responsive style
- Internet connection check
- local storage
- camera and gallery access
- biometric (fingerprint) auth
- input validations via yup and formik
- vibration
- ...