Access Control List. Functions - Release: 1.0
- [ACL-00] Domain Desription
- [ACL-01] Registration
- [ACL-02] Login
- [ACL-03] Logout
- [ACL-04] Reset Password
- [ACL-05] Activate / Deactivate Accounts
- [ACL-06] Configure Module
Please also check out the Wiki for further information.
The ACL Module is build with NetBeans, Maven and Java SE (openJDK). The most important dependencies are Hibernate, Spring and JUnit 5. As Database Server (DBMS) PostgeSQL DBMS 11 is recommended.
Docker was chosen for an simple and fast database setup. In the case you wish to have a short introduction about docker, you can check my tutorial on BitCute. After on your system docker is running, you are be able to setup the database by the following steps:
docker network create -d bridge --subnet= services
docker run -d --name postgres --restart=no
-p 5432:5432 --net services --ip
-e PGPASSWORD=s3cr3t
-v /home/user/docker/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
docker run -d --name pgadmin --restart=no
-p 8004:80 --net services --ip
-e PGADMIN_DEFAULT_EMAIL=[email protected]
--link postgres:11
URI/> User: postgres PWD: n/a DOC/>
- docker start postgres
- docker stop postgres
To create default user and schemata (also for testing), you are be able to use TP-CM/dbms/src/sql/initial_postgresql.sql script.
TP-ACL uses always the current version of Apache Maven. To build the project by your own you will need the current version from the master branch of the parent-pom from the TP-CM project (build-workflow).
TP-ACL depends on TP-CORE.
The project configurations are available in src/main/filter/ directory.
In the case no DBMS is available, all test cases which depend on Database access will skipped.
All released artifacts are available on Maven Central for free usage. You are be able to use the released artifact in your project as dependency with the following entry:
- Elmar Dott - Concept, Architecture, Development
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Feel free open a pull request or to send a feature request by e-mail in the case you want to contribute the project. Everyone is welcome, even beginners in programming. I also appreciate help by optimizing the documentation and creating tutorials.
Mistakes happen. But we only able to fix them, when we you inform us you found a bug. Do not hesitate to send a report in the way you feel common. I try to give as much as possible fast & direct support.
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