A Curated list of Assets availible on the internet related to Chess.
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Books to read on Chess
- Chess Problems - Collection of Chess puzzles.
- Chess strategy - HTML version of Chess strategy by Edward Lasker.
- Sicilian Dragon - Attacking Plans For Black.
Forsyth–Edwards Notation (FEN) is a standard notation for describing a particular board position of a chess game.
- fenparser by tlehman - A parser for Forsyth-Edwards Notation wriitten in Python.
- fen by ucarion - A Rust Forsyth-Edwards notation parser with proper error handling.
- fen-diagram by andyherbert - Javascript script for generating chess diagrams using Forsyth-Edwards notation.
Bots are algorithms involving artificial intelligence to play against a user.
- latrunculorum - A simple chess bot in Python.
- Chessbot - Bot written in Java.
Validators are tools for checking authenticity of a move
- chess.js - chess.js, Structured code for chess Authentication.
- npm chess package - An algebraic notation driven chess engine that can validate board position and produce a list of viable moves.
- Chessnut - Chessnut is a simple chess board model written in Python.It provides functionality of parsing FEN and generating a list of legal moves for each FEN representation.
Websites include platforms for people to play chess
- multiplayerchess.com - Multiplayerchess.com is a simple single page chess playing application facilitating the play of chess.
- lichess.org - One of the most mature platforms for playing chess on the internet.It is open Source too.It is equipped with daily puzzles and an TV to spectate other matches.
- chess24.com - Play as well as learn chess from chess24 with the best of tutorials.
- chessbase.com - Lucrative, Single page application for playing chess.
- chess.com - Learn and Play chess with over 5 Million users.
Boards are tools for encapsulating the process of rendering a board.
- Chessboard.js - chessboard.js is a standalone JavaScript Chess Board.
- chess-board - A web component for displaying chess positions.It takes FEN string as input and renders the board as output.
- jchess - A jQuery based javascript library for parsing and displaying chess games. Currently takes FEN and PGN as inputs.
- Chessboard-js - A responsive mobile-first javascript chessboard library.
Notations are a way of expressing the properties of the board in textual format. Tutorial on Chess Notations
- FEN - A FEN "record" defines a particular game position, all in one text line and using only the ASCII character set.
- PNG - PGN is structured "for easy reading and writing by human users and for easy parsing and generation by computer programs."
- Other Notations
This includes the tools for getting artwork for various pieces of chess
- Spiral Pieces in 3-D
- Pieces on Wikipedia
- Chess Pieces in Unicode
- Icons on flaticons
- Icons on thenounproject
Talks on Chess
- Understanding Chess Mastery -Talk on Understanding Chess Mastery by Jennifer Shahade
- How Chess Can Revolutionize Learning - Talk on How Chess Can Revolutionize Learning by Cody Pomeranz
- Working backward to solve problems - Talk on Working backward to solve problems by Maurice Ashley
- Chess Life
- Why Chess is Boring - Talk on Why Chess is Boring by Bobby Fischer
- Chess Peeps
- How Chess Can Revolutionize Learning - Talk on How Chess Can Revolutionize Learning by Cody Pomeranz