Welcome to Müd Müzik! With all the choices you make throughout the day, let us reduce your decision fatigue by picking out great music depending on your mood. Whether you are looking to study, workout, rock or just chill, Müd Müzik will curate your listening experience. Choose the mood you're in, and we'll give you a playlist of songs that you can listen to! Our app is user friendly and customizable, allowing you to pick mood playlists, add new songs to the playlist, and listen to quality audio based on your preferences.
Müd Müzik is a website application made using React IN Rails for our capstone project at LEARN Academy! As music lovers, our team decided to create a music application where you can find new songs based on what mood you're in. Users can create an account through the Ruby Devise gem and perform basic CRUD actions with songs. We've also implemented a media player so that when you find a song you want to listen to, you can listen to it right on our app!
Check Our Live Demo: Müd Müzik
- Ruby on Rails
- React
- Reactstrap
- react-particles
- tsparticles
- react-icons
- react-media-player
- react-testing-library
- RSpec
- Clone the repository onto your computer
- $
git clone https://github.com/capstone-capos-2022-echo/mood-music.git
- $
- Move into the app repository
- $
cd mood-music
- $
- Setup your database
- $
rails db:setup
- $
- Install the dependencies
- $
- $
- $
- Run the server
- $
rails server
- $
- Open the app in your browser
- $
- $
These are the steps in the terminal we took in order to set up our app.
- $
rails new mood-music -d postgresql -T
- $
cd mood-music
- $
rails db:create
- $
bundle add rspec-rails
- $
rails g rspec:install
- $
bundle add webpacker
- $
bundle add react-rails
- $
rails webpacker:install
- $
rails webpacker:install:react
- $
yarn add @babel/preset-react
- $
yarn add @rails/activestorage
- $
yarn add @rails/ujs
- $
rails generate react:install
- $
rails generate react:component App
- Replaced boilerplate Ruby App component to arrow function App
- $
rails generate controller Home index
app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:// Find this line: <%= javascript_importmap_tags %> // And replace it with this: <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>
bundle add bootstrap
mv app/assets/stylesheets/application.css app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss
yarn add reactstrap
yarn add react-router-dom
config/routes.rb:Rails.application.routes.draw do get '*path', to: 'home#index', constraints: ->(request){ request.format.html? } root 'home#index' end
- $
bundle add devise
- $
rails generate devise:install
- $
rails generate devise User
- $
rails db:migrate
- Generate a resource for Song (you can choose your own database and columns):
- $
rails g resource Song title:string artist:string album:string mood:string album_art:text song_link:text
- $
- Make active record associations between User and Song models
- user has_many songs, songs belong_to user
- Migration to add user_id column to songs
- Create a seeds file of songs
- Users can favorite songs and see a list of their favorites
- Have an additional media player for the MoodSongIndex.js page (playlist)
- Create an administrative account to manage songs that users want to add to the database
- Add warnings and error messages when trying to create and update songs, and creating a new user
- Implement a Spotify API to gather song data
Kelly Chan | Project/Product Manager
Elijah Barreto | Tech Lead
Holden Prine | Design Lead