- A free account on Elbrys SDN Developer Lab
- Go to http://sdn-developer.elbrys.com and sign-up (or logon with your github account)
- Follow the Quickstart
- An OpenFlow switch connected to it (virtual (Mininet) switch will work)
- Follow the Quickstart
Sample Applications that work with Elbrys SDN Developer Lab and the OpenNAC API. See http://dev.elbrys.com . For RESTCONF API sample apps go to Wiki.
- app1 -- This is an extremely simple application to demonstrate basics. It uses default policy to show how traffic may be unblocked for endpoints.
- app2 -- This application demonstrates a subscription using a synchronous application flow. It listens on a subscription outputing what it receives. If it receives an 'unmanaged endpoint' event then it will demonstrate setting a policy for that endpoint that allows it to become unblocked.
- app3 -- This application demonstrates a subscription using an asynchronous application flow (multithreaded). It provides a menu-driven interface that allows you to see current unmanaged endpoints, set policy on those endpoints, forget endpoints (return them to unmanaged) and reset the application (resetting all openflow flows).
- app4 -- This application is the same as app3, but allows you to define new policies via a configuration file and then set those via the application.