Clock-me: is is a web application used to keep track of employees and thier clock-in and clock out time and also calculates their salary based on total clocked time.
languages used are:
- Front-end
- React(Typescript)
- Sass
- Back-end
- ruby(Active Record)
- As a employee you can be able to:
- Login with his/her account.
- Reset his/her password
- Record and track his/her timestamp.
- view his/her weekly performances tatistics
- View her salary
- AS an admin you can be able to:
- Add new employees.
- Update employees details.
- Delete an Employee
This web application helps to solve the problem of tracing employees working time. This can be very essential espesialy jobs that pays thier employees on hourly basis. the application is also beneficial to a any company since it enables them track thier working times of thier employees and know how to optimize make thiem efficient. the application solve this such as recoding each day's clock-in and clock-out timestamp and record it in the database as string array. the application then uses the timestamps to calculate how many hours the employee has been working and compute the employees salary.
- Manipulating timestamps.
- Implementing theme change using sass.
- npm
- Text editor eg Visual Studio Code
- npm
- ruby
clone the repo using the command
git clone
change directory using command
cd clock-me-backend-end
open project in vscode texteditor
code .
install dependancies gems
bundle exec install
run server
bundle exec rake server
clone the repo using the command
git clone
change directory using command
cd clock-me-front-end
open project in vscode texteditor
code .
install dependancies packages
run npm install
run front end
npm start
- run the following live link in your browser
- admin:
username: admin password: admin
- employee:
username: elviskim password: elvis
- Fork the repo
- Create a new branch in your terminal (git checkout -b improve-feature)
- Install the prerequisites
- Make appropriate changes in file(s)
- Run the server to see the changes
- Add the changes and commit them (git commit -am "Improve App")
- Push to the branch (git push origin improve-app)
- Create a Pull request
Copyright(c)[2022][bukosia ebenezar]
- Email : [email protected]
MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Bukosia Ebenezar