Ease is a .Net library to ease unit testing through IoC containers and Mocking.
Ease supports both NUnit & XUnit for unit tests and uses Moq for mocking. It currently supports DryIoc & Unity IoC containers and has extensions with basic support for Prism.Forms.
Our philosophy is to embrace the magic of DI and the IoC containers that we are already using in our app development to make testing easier to write and manage.
You can install the libraries from Nuget.org:
Package | NUnit | XUnit | DryIoc | Unity | Prism Forms |
Ease.NUnit.DryIoc | 3.1.2 | 4.1.4 | |||
Ease.NUnit.DryIoc.PrismForms | 3.1.2 | 4.1.4 | | ||
Ease.NUnit.Unity | 3.1.2 | 5.11.7 | |||
Ease.NUnit.Unity.PrismForms | 3.1.2 | 5.11.7 | | ||
Ease.XUnit.DryIoc | 2.4.1 | 4.1.4 | |||
Ease.XUnit.DryIoc.PrismForms | 2.4.1 | 4.1.4 | | ||
Ease.XUnit.Unity | 2.4.1 | 5.11.7 | |||
Ease.XUnit.Unity.PrismForms | 2.4.1 | 5.11.7 | |
After adding the Ease package to your test library simply reference the base test class:
public class CartServiceTest : Ease.NUnit.DryIoc.NUnitDryIocContainerTestBase
Create a field to delegate the setup action for each type you will want mocked:
private Action<Mock<ICartRepository>> onICartRepositoryMockCreated;
In your constructor:
- Register any concrete implementations needed by your test, including the class you will be testing
- Register any mocked types using a reference to the setup Action
- Use
to register any actions that need to be ran before each test, including assigning default actions to mock setup. With NUnit you can alternatively use the[Setup]
method attribute if desired.
public CartServiceTest
//Register concrete implementation for interface
RegisterType<IHttpMessageHandlerFactory, MockApiHttpHandlerFactory>();
//Register the type you will be testing
//Register a mock for ICartRepositoryMock using the field onICartRepositoryMockCreated for setup
RegisterMockType(() => onICartRepositoryMockCreated);
//This will run before each test method is called
RegisterPerTestSetup(() => {
onICartRepositoryMockCreated = ICartRepositoryDefaultSetup;
Create default setup methods
private void ICartRepositoryDefaultSetup(Mock<ICartRepository> mock)
mock.Setup(r => r.GetProducts())
Mapper().Map<Dtos.CartProductDto[], CartProduct[]>(
Create a test
public async Task LoadProducts_CallsICartRepositoryGetProducts()
//You can set onICartRepositoryMockCreated to a different action here, before resolving CartService
var cartService = await Resolve<CartService>(); //depends on ICartRepository
GetMock<ICartRepository>().Verify(m => m.GetProducts(), Times.Once);
There is a sample for Xamarin.Forms with NUnit & DryIoc here