dfuse services will be discontinued on September 25, 2024, as Pinax transitions to more advanced and efficient solutions for Antelope blockchain data sourcing. We encourage all users to migrate to Pinax's new services, including Substreams, Firehose, and comprehensive blockchain data services supporting dozens of chains like EOS, WAX, and Telos. Dfuse users can start building with a FREE Pinax Pro Plan.
Learn more and get started at https://pinax.network.
Websocket consumer for the https://dfuse.io API on EOS networks.
jwt, exp, err := eosws.Auth("server_1234567....")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot get auth token: %s", err.Error())
time.AfterFunc(time.Until(exp), log.Println("JWT is now expired, renew it before reconnecting client")) // make sure that you handle updating your JWT
client, err := eosws.New("wss://mainnet.eos.dfuse.io/v1/stream", jwt, "https://origin.example.com")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("cannot connect to dfuse endpoint: %s", err.Error())
ga := &eosws.GetActionTraces{
ga := &eosws.GetActionTraces{
ReqID: "myreq1",
StartBlock: -5,
Listen: true,
ga.Data.Accounts = "eosio"
ga.Data.ActionNames = "onblock"
err = client.Send(ga)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error sending request")
for {
msg, err := client.Read()
errorCheck("reading message", err)
switch m := msg.(type) {
case *eosws.ActionTrace:
fmt.Println("Unsupported message", m)
See examples