Repository for backend service of Data upload and Validation tool
Code pushes to be done in the main
branch only.
- Python dependencies
- MongoDB data restore
There are two ways to install python dependencies :-
- Conda and environment.yml file (recommended):-
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate templateValidation
Note :- Please refer to below link for installing conda in ubuntu
- Virtual env and requirement.txt file :-
python -m venv env_name
source env_name/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Use following command to restore mongoDB dump :-
cd data
mongorestore --host localhost --port 27017 --db templateValidation --gzip ./
cd apiServices/src/main/
FLASK_APP = FLASK_RUN_PORT = 5000 HOSTIP = "Add server ip Address" mongoURL = "Add server mongo url" db = templateValidation userCollection = users conditionsCollection = conditions validationsCollection = validation sampleTemplatesCollection = sampleTemplates #AUTH SECRET_KEY SECRET_KEY = "98bcbfb0f82aff815f17d5bfed66c1f4" admin-token = "16c6a8b5cbad36c887e74eed42454241"