The Mentoring building block enables effective mentoring interactions between mentors and mentees. The capability aims to create a transparent ecosystem to learn, connect, solve, and share within communities. MentorED is an open-source mentoring application that facilitates peer learning and professional development by creating a community of mentors and mentees.
Mentoring BPP service can be setup in local using three methods:
As part of multi-container local setup with all other services and dependencies using Docker-Compose (Easy - Recommended)
Dockerized service with local dependencies (Intermediate)
Expectation: Run single docker containerized service with existing local (in host) or remote dependencies.
Clone the Mentoring BPP service repository.
git clone
Update dependency (Mongo, Kafka etc) IP addresses in .env with "host.docker.internal".
#MongoDb Connectivity Url MONGODB_URL = mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017/dsep-mentoring #Kafka Host Server URL KAFKA_URL = host.docker.external:9092 #Mentoring service URI MENTORING_URI= host.docker.external:3000/mentoring
Build the docker image.
/ELEVATE/mentoring-bpp-service$ docker build -t elevate/mentoring-bpp:1.0 .
Run the docker container.
For Mac & Windows with docker v18.03+:
$ docker run --name mentoring-bpp:1.0 elevate/mentoring-bpp:1.0
For Linux:
$ docker run --name mentoring-bpp --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway elevate/mentoring-bpp:1.0`
Refer this for more information.
Update dependency (Mongo, Kafka etc) Ip addresses in .env with respective remote server IPs.
#Elastic Search Server URL ELASTIC_NODE = #Kafka Host Server URL KAFKA_URL = #Mentoring service URI MENTORING_URI=
Build the docker image.
/ELEVATE/mentoring-bpp-service$ docker build -t elevate/mentoring-bpp:1.0 .
Run the docker container.
$ docker run --name elevate/mentoring-bpp:1.0 elevate/mentoring-bpp:1.0 .
Local Service with local dependencies (Hard)
Expectation: Run a single service with existing local dependencies in the host (Non-Docker Implementation).
Install required tools & dependencies
Install any IDE (eg: VScode)
Install Nodejs:
Install Kafka:
Install MongoDB:
Install Robo-3T:
Clone the Mentoring BPP service repository.
git clone
Add .env file to the project directory
Create a **.env** file in **src** directory of the project and copy these environment variables into it.
APPLICATION_PORT=3005 NODE_ENV = development BECKN_BG_URI= BECKN_REGISTRY_URI= CITY=std:080 COUNTRY=IND DOMAIN=dsep:mentoring BPP_ID=bpp:3005 BPP_URI=http://bpp:3005/bpp-2 REDIS_HOST = redis://redis:6379 ROOT_ROUTE=/bpp-2 BPP_NAME="SL BPP #2" BPP_CODE="sl-bpp-2" BPP_SYMBOL="<i class="fas fa-user-graduate"></i>" SUBSCRIBER_ID=<Beckn Registry Subscriber Id> UNIQUE_ID='sl23rws98uf09s8u' PRIVATE_KEY=<Beckn Registry Private Key> PUBLIC_KEY=<Beckn Registry Public Key> AUTH_ENABLED=false DISABLE_PROXY_AUTH=true BPP_CATALOG_URI='http://bpp-catalog:3009/bpp-catalog' MONGODB_URL=mongodb://mongo:27017/dsep-mentoring MENTORING_INTERNAL_ACCESS_TOKEN=Fgn1xT7pmCK9PSxVt7yr MENTORING_URI='http://mentoring:3000/mentoring' BPP_TTL='PT10M' SCHEMA_CORE_VERSION='1.0.0' ON_CONFIRM_ACTION='on_confirm' ON_CONFIRM_ROUTE='/on_confirm' ON_SELECT_ACTION='on_select' ON_SELECT_ROUTE='/on_select' ON_STATUS_ACTION='on_status' ON_STATUS_ROUTE='/on_status' ON_CANCEL_ACTION='on_cancel' ON_CANCEL_ROUTE='/on_cancel' ON_SEARCH_ACTION='on_search' ON_SEARCH_ROUTE='/on_search' ON_INIT_ACTION='on_init' ON_INIT_ROUTE='/on_init' CATALOG_GET_FULFILLMENT_ROUTE='/get-fulfillment/:fulfillmentId' CATALOG_GET_SESSION_ROUTE='/get-session/:sessionId' CATALOG_GET_STATUS_BODY_ROUTE='/get-status-body/:sessionId/:fulfillmentId' MENTORING_SESSION_ENROLL_ROUTE='/v1/sessions/enroll' MENTORING_SESSION_UNENROLL_ROUTE='/v1/sessions/unEnroll' CATALOG_SEARCH_ROUTE='/search' BPP_SHORT_DESCRIPTION='The official dev DSEP BPP Of ShikshaLokam.' BPP_LONG_DESCRIPTION="ShikshaLokam's dev BPP act as the provider platform for enabling discovery of mentorship sessions on DSEP open-network." BPP_IMAGE='' BPP_IMAGE_TYPE='md' BPP_IMAGE_WIDTH='400' BPP_IMAGE_HEIGHT='200' SHOULD_SIGN_CALLBACK_REQUESTS='true'
Install Npm packages
ELEVATE/mentoring-bpp-service/src$ npm install
Start Mentoring server
ELEVATE/mentoring-bpp-service/src$ npm start
- Node - 16.0.0
- Kafka - 7.3.0
- Mongo - 4.1.2
Several open source dependencies that have aided Mentoring's development: