Automation for ingesting a new assembly for a species (taxonomy) in the EVA databases.
Primary job for ingesting a new assembly, including finding assemblies for the taxonomy that need to be remapped, doing the remapping and clustering, and updating all related metadata and other databases.
Supports the following tasks:
: Retrieves source assemblies and number of studies and loads into the tracker. Will not load if any jobs exist for this taxonomy / target assembly pair.remap_cluster
: Remaps all source assemblies in the tracker and clusters on the target assembly. Will only start or resume jobs not marked ascomplete
: Updates the following with the new assembly: supported assembly table, metadata, and contig alias. Will not do any updates if any incomplete jobs are present in the tracker.
Example usage:
# Run everything --taxonomy 9031 --target_assembly GCA_016699485.1 --release_version 5
# Run remapping and clustering only, resume --taxonomy 9031 --target_assembly GCA_016699485.1 --release_version 5 --tasks remap_cluster --resume
Executable to generate custom assemblies and assembly reports. This is called in the main target assembly job and can be used for other remapping jobs as well.
# Standard run --assembly-accession GCA_016699485.1 --fasta-file /path/to/fasta --report-file /path/to/report
# Disable contig renaming --assembly-accession GCA_016699485.1 --fasta-file /path/to/fasta --report-file /path/to/report --no-rename
For every species in EVA metadata, check which assembly is currently supported by Ensembl and report if it matches with what is supported by EVA. --private_config_xml_file /path/to/config.xml
The scripts require a configuration YAML file proving the locations of executables and other parameters.
The default config is .assembly_config.yml
in the user's home, or a path can be provided via the environment variable ASSEMBLYCONFIG
A complete config looks like the following:
environment: development
settings_file: /path/to/settings.xml
base_directory: /path/to/remapping_dir
eutils_api_key: 12345
output_directory: /path/to/genomes_dir
python_activate: /path/to/remapping_env
nextflow: /path/to/nextflow
bcftools: /path/to/bcftools
samtools: /path/to/samtools
bedtools: /path/to/bedtools
minimap2: /path/to/minimap
bgzip: /path/to/bgzip
tabix: /path/to/tabix
genome_downloader: /path/to/genome_downloader
custom_assembly: /path/to/custom_assembly
vcf_extractor: /path/to/extraction.jar
vcf_ingestion: /path/to/ingestion.jar
clustering: /path/to/clustering.jar
remapping: /path/to/