- Hello-World - hello world app on local machine.
- MyFirstApp - Dockerfile & docker build demos. - Reference
- MyFirstApp-DockerHub - push MyFirstApp to DockerHub and pull the image back.
- Docker-Storage - MongoDB container with persistent storage.
- Docker-Compose - Wordpress with MySQL deployment. - Reference
- DC/OS - Deployment.
- Swarm - Deployment.
- ACI - Azure Container Instances demo.
docker101.md - Create MyFirstApp container and deploy to Azure Web App on Linux.
- Hello-World - deployment with versions. -
- MyFirstApp - deployment
- Secrets-Configmaps - deploy pods with config maps
- Persistent-Storage - deploy Wordpress, MySQL with external storage -
- Helm - Deploy Joomla Helm chart
- DataDog Monitoring - Deploy datadog helm chart and montior the cluster.
- Jenkins - Install Jenkins helm chart
- Jenkins-Pipeline - Create StickerStore CI/CD Pipeline. Instructions
- Microservices - StickerStore Microservices application Instructions
- CaseStudy 1 - Auto scale an app
- CaseStudy 2 - Data, Using Event Hub Processing Host In K8s
Install Putty or use any bash shell for Windows (if using a bash shell, follow the instructions for Linux or Mac).
Run this command:
putty.exe -ssh -i <path to private key file> -L 8080:localhost:8080 <User name>@<Public DNS name of instance you just created>
Or follow these manual steps:
- Launch Putty and navigate to 'Connection > SSH > Tunnels'
- In the Options controlling SSH port forwarding window, enter 8080 for Source port. Then enter for the Destination. Click Add.
- Repeat this process for port 8080.
- Navigate to 'Connection > SSH > Auth' and enter your private key file for authentication. For more information on using ssh keys with Putty, see here.
- Click Open to establish the connection.
Run this command:
ssh -i <path to private key file> -L 8080:localhost:8080 <User name>@<Public DNS name of instance you just created>