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Selection Review

DrCoffey edited this page Jul 27, 2021 · 15 revisions

After Calls have been detected, the user may manually or automatically classify calls and remove non-calls.

Always Save Your Session After Selection Review! - File>Save Session

Manual Selection Review

Loading Call Files

  1. Select a folder with detection files from "File > Select Detection Folder"

  2. Select a file in the "Detected Call Files" drop down menu

  3. Click "Load Calls"


  • To view the next call in the file, use the left and right arrow keys, "q" and "e" keys, and/or the "Previous Call" and "Next Call" buttons

  • Click anywhere in the Page spectrogram to jump to a position in the page

  • Click anywhere in the audio file timeline to jump to a position in the audio file

Refine Boxes

  • To refine a box, click any box corner and drag the mouse.

  • To delete a box, right-click a call

  • To add a box, type "d" or use the draw button

Call Classification

  • Accept or reject calls with "a" and "r", or the "Accept Call" and "Reject Call" buttons.

  • Define call categories with "Tools > Call Classification > Add Custom Labels".

  • Use key press to apply a category to a call

  • Double click call to add custom labels

Play Calls

  • Play the current call through the default sound device by pressing "p", or the "Play Call" button

  • Playback rate may be changed under "Tools > Change Playback Rate"

Automatic Selection Review

Batch Reject By Threshold:

  1. Select "Tools > Automatic Review > Batch Reject By Threshold"

  2. Select Accept or Reject

  3. Select statistic to use for filtering

  4. Select filtering operator (< or = or >)

  5. Select filtering threshold

  6. Select files to process and run

    • Tip: Multiple thresholds and rules can be combined to improve filtering

Remove Rejected Calls

  1. Load a call file.

  2. Select "Tools > Automatic Review > Remove Rejected Calls"

  3. All rejected calls will be removed from the call file.

Post Hoc Denoising / False Positive Removal

Supervised Classification

Unsupervised Classification