Dark Energy Camera (DECam) Photometric standards Global Calibration Module (PGCM)
Purpose: using a set of nightly standard star observations and lots of overlapping DECam exposures, photometrically calibrate a large DECam survey.
- What are the software dependencies?
- How to run DECam_PGCM?
- How to request updates to the code or to the FAQ?
DECam_PGCM is written in Python 2.7. It makes substantial use of the following python modules:
- numpy (written using numpy 1.9.1, but similar or later versions should also work fine)
- scipy (written using scipy 0.14.0, but similar or later versions should also work fine)
- pandas (written using pandas 0.15.2, but similar or later versions should also work fine)
Under construction...
Please use the issues to post requests for additions or other updates to the code or to this FAQ .