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@Hex5DA Hex5DA released this 06 Feb 19:20
· 131 commits to master since this release

Version 0.2.0

Version 0.2.0 is a major update that focuses primarily on underground generation and features.
Other notable changes include pickblock, block selection, better particles and profiling.


New blocks

  • Bedrock
  • Granite
  • Diorite
  • Andesite
  • Coal ore
  • Iron ore
  • Gold ore
  • Lapis ore
  • Redstone ore
  • Diamond ore
  • Emerald ore
  • Deepslate
  • Cobbled deepslate
  • Deepslate coal ore
  • Deepslate iron ore
  • Deepslate gold ore
  • Deepslate lapis ore
  • Deepslate redstone ore
  • Deepslate diamond ore
  • Deepslate emerald ore


  • Generated with Perlin Noise
  • You will sometimes find grass and dirt getting cut off without any actual cave generating, that is a quirk of cave generation
  • Caves will not be able to cut through bedrock


Stone Types

  • There are 4 new stone types:
    • Granite
    • Diorite
    • Andesite
    • Tuff
  • Granite, diorite, and andesite generate anywhere above deepslate level ( < chunk-y 64)
  • Tuff only generates below deepslate level ( > chunk-y 64)
  • Their shapes are determined by a Cellular Automata algorithm
  • They will not generate overlapping with ore veins, neither will they replace dirt, ores, nor bedrock

Bedrock + World Height

  • Bedrock generates from y 1024+
  • There is a blend between stone and bedrock, generated the same as stone -> deepslate
  • The player cannot break bedrock

Ore Veins

  • Ore vein shapes are determined by a Cellular Automata algorithm.
  • They will turn into deepslate variants of the ores if they generate replacing deepslate
  • Ores will not replace bedrock or dirt


  • They generate underground with the following distribution (all percentages represent the chance of generation per chunk):
    • Coal ore (2 attempts per chunk) starts generating with a 16% chance at the top of the world, decreases until it reaches chunk-y 64, gets more common going down until chunk-y 96 with a 3% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 128
    • Iron ore (2 attempts per chunk) starts generating at the top of the world rarely, quickly goes to 10% chance at chunk-y 8, then gets rarer as chunk-y goes down to 72
    • Lapis ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 32, gets more common until chunk-y 64 with a 6% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 96
    • Gold ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, gets more common until chunk-y 88 with a 7% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 120
    • Redstone ore (2 attempts per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, gets more common until chunk-y 120, then quickly gets rarer until chunk-y 128
    • Diamond ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, maintains a 1% chance of generating until chunk-y 96, then gets more common until chunk-y 128 with a 5% chance
    • Emerald ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, maintains a 1% chance of generating until chunk-y 72, then gets more common until chunk-y 96 with a 3% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 120

Ore distribution map:

Best y-level for mining

  • The best chunk-y to mine for each ore, the attempts per chunk, and the chance per attempt:
    • Coal: 2 (not 1 because a large portion of chunk-y 1 is made up of dirt), 16%, 2
    • Iron: 8, 10%, 2
    • Lapis: 64, 6%, 1
    • Gold: 88, 7%, 1
    • Redstone: 120, 15%, 2
    • Diamond: 126 (not 128 or 127 because a large portion of them are made up of bedrock), 5%, 1
    • Emerald: 96, 3%, 1


Void Fog Particles

  • Void fog particles start to spawn below y 896
  • The lower down the player is:
    • The more particles spawn
    • The bigger the particles on average
  • Void fog particles will be deleted if they either move behind a block or move outside the screen

Player Fall Particles

  • Player fall particles will be spawned when the player falls for more than or equal to 4 blocks and lands
  • The longer the player falls for, the most particles are spawned, to a maximum of 15 blocks
  • The particles will take the color of a random pixel of the block that the player fell onto

Block Selection Box

  • Added a selection box around the block that the crosshair is hovering over
  • It is 2 pixels thick, and is offset towards the topleft corner by 2 pixels to fit the selected block entirely within the box

Sky Gradient

  • The background colour now has a gradient between the default blue (y = 0-) and black (y = 1024)


  • Press the MMB (middle mouse button) to pick the block the crosshair is hovering over
  • Some blocks cannot be pick-blocked, like bedrock, tall grass top, and leafed oak log
  • Pick-blocking will move the targeted block to the slot that you are selecting, no matter if it is on the hotbar or in the inventory


  • Crosshair now fades between colors instead of instantly changing
  • Added "Block position" to the debug menu, which shows the coordinates of the block the crosshair is hovering over
  • Added "Particles" to the debug menu, which shows the number of particles that is being calculated
  • Added a transparent white overlay on the inventory slot that is being hovered over

Bug fixes

  • Fixed floating tall grass on chunk borders
  • Particles float upwards when inside a block, now they just fall out
  • Fixed tall grass being cut off by a tree on chunk borders

Technical changes

  • Grouped code into different files in the "src" folder

  • Added comments, docstrings and type annotations explaining the code

  • Separated collision detection from camera because that is just very bad

  • Improved particle performance

  • Greatly improved chunk loading performance considering the new terrain features that have been added

  • The system by which we create, update and draw particles has been completely reworked.

    • We are now using OOP in the inheritance tree:
      ├── PhysicsParticle
      │   ├── BlockParticle
      │   └── PlayerFallParticle
      └── EnviromentalParticle


  • To make a profile for a function, pass the callable into src.utils.profile, along with its parameters
  • It will create a .prof file in build/profiles on the function that has been passed when F9 is pressed
  • The file will have the time of creation in its file name

In game you can presss F9 and it will generate a profile of <callable> in build/profiles.

# variable = <callable>(<*args>)
import src.utils as utils
variable = utils.profile(<callable>, <*args>)

For instance, to time the loading of chunks, you could do the following:

# self.rendered_chunks = load_chunks(
import src.utils as utils
self.rendered_chunks = utils.profile(load_chunks,

If you want to generate a profile without you having to press a key (for example,
if you want to time a function if a certain condition is met), you could do the following:

import src.utils as utils
if <condition>:
  utils.do_profile = True
profile(<callable>, <*args>)

For instance, to time the loading time of a certain chunk at (x, y), you could do the following:

import src.utils as utils
if chunk == (x, y):
  utils.do_profile = True
profile(Chunk, chunk)