3D Reconstruction of Microscopic Tomography Based on Matlab.
This repo is for 3D reconstruction of microscopic tomographic images.
./example contains some basic knowledge of three-dimensional reconstruction commonly used.
./mri_example includes examples of 3D reconstruction of human brain tomographic images scanned by CT equipment.
U can simple run all the .m files in ./example or ./mri_example based on Matlab.
The original data exists in ./origin.
This is a part of an animal's neuron.
Scanning the position from top to bottom with an electron microscope.
20 tomographic images were obtained, with a scanning interval of 3.
I preprocessed the origin data and put it in ./origin_done.
simple run my_origin.m
canny.m is a demo to preprocess the data.
to_gray.m is to turn the RGB image into gray.