Project Name: ImdbService Description: A collection of RESTful services to download feed from IMDB, persist it and re-compute ratings based on case study Tech stack: Spring Boot (REST) + POSTGRES + FLYWAY (migration) + Spring JPA (ORM: Hibernate) + Spring HATEOAS
1. Build an application which pulls movies, their ratings, and cast lists from IMDB. NOTE: To limit scope, please pull only movies released in 2017 2. Persist the feed into POSTGRES DB for verification 3. Calculate the rating for a season based on its episodes. You can implement your own logic 4. Expose a service to update the rating for a title
1. Download the project on your local and build as a Maven project 2. Run the application 3. Testing via POSTMAN: Import "ImdbService.postman_collection.json" collection into POSTMAN 4. Testing via curl command: Execute commands from file "CurlCommands"
1. Caching without reload 2. Client library