Craft plugin that provides a new field type that works like an Entries field type but offers users an easy way to set a different title for the relation than the related page title.
This is particularly useful if you are linking to other content but want to use shorter or different titles in the lists e.g. in menus, submenus or related lists.
To install the Title Entries Field type, follow these steps:
- Install with Composer via
composer require dolphiq/titleentriesfield
from your project folder - Install plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings > Plugins
- The
Title Entries Field
type will be available when adding a new field - Settings > Fields > Add new field
Title Entries Field plugin works on Craft 3.x.
You can use the field as a normal Entries field type but give the end user the possibility to change te label for each relation/link.
{% for entry in entry.myLinks %}
{{ entry.title }} - {{ entry.linkTitle }} <br>
{% endfor %}
Usage sample to display the Title Entries Field if the field is set or use the title field as backup (entry.Title)
{% for entry in entry.menuLinks %}
<li><a href="{{ entry.url }}" rel="{{ entry.title }}">
{{ entry.Title }}
{% endfor %}
Johan Zandstra - [email protected] Brought to you by Dolphiq