This is a simple SpringBoot based Restful API with some additional libraries added.
This API was originally developed for the Hillel Java Pro course , but I've continued to add features and improvements since then.
The program is written in Java and requires a compiler with Java 11 support. The only dependencies needed are included in pom.xml file in this repository.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Clone this repository on your local machine and open it on your IDE. Press Code -> Download ZIP -> Open file with IntelliJ Idea (Or other IDE)
Alternatively, press Code -> copy HTTPS link -> Open IntelliJ IDEA -> File -> New -> Project from Version Control -> Insert this link
To run tests, Use Maven build-in command Test.
To run this Employee Management System, use -clean -install And run DemoWithTestsApplication.
- [Spring Framework] - The main framework used.
- [Lombok] - Easier Getters & Setters Management for POJO.
- [JUnit 5]- Used to generate better tests.
- [Mockito]- Library, used to create Mocks.
- [PostgreSQL]- main Database.
- [H2 DB]- DB for Unit-Testing.
- [MapStruct]- Library, used for Entity-DTO convertation.
- [Swagger]- Library, used for API functionality visualization.
- Oleg Kaluzny - Initial work - OKaluzny
- Dmitry Gaydabura - Revorking, Improvements, Implementing extra functionality - Dmitry Gaydabura