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Kotlin Material Design

Kotlin is a cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming language with type inference. Kotlin is designed to interoperate fully with Java, and the JVM version of Kotlin's standard library depends on the Java Class Library, but type inference allows its syntax to be more concise.

This is a demo app designed with the fascinating and modern Google's Material Design 2. It was created using Androidx Libraries and Material Components. It covers many material design components to show how to implement material design 2 in apps.

Title & ScreenShots

  1. Bottom Navigation
  2. Tab Layout
  3. Grid RecyclerView
  4. Linear RecyclerView
  5. Navigation Drawer (Both Side)
  6. WebView
  7. AutoComplete TextView
  8. MultiAutoComplete TextView (Eg. apple,bat,cat,dog)
  9. Spinner
  10. Bottom Sheet
  11. SearchView (Toolbar SearchView and Basic SearchView)
  12. Calculator App
  13. Rating
  14. Dialog Box
  15. Date Time Picker
  16. AdMob Full Screen Ad
  17. Collapsed View
  18. Horizontal ScrollView
  19. Bottom Navigation Hide On Scroll
  20. Login, Register, Verification Screen, Home Page
  21. Music & Video Player
  22. RecyclerView Using Volly API

Why Kotlin?

1. Concise -Drastically reduce the amount of boilerplate code

2. Safe -Avoid entire classes of errors such as null pointer exceptions

3. Interoperable -Leverage existing libraries for the JVM, Android, and the browser

4. Tool-friendly -Choose any Java IDE or build from the command line

Download APK

No. APK Name Download Link. Version No.
1. Material Design with Kotlin Download 1.0


No. Componets Name Fig.
1. HomePgae(login,register,homepage,verification page) Gifs
2. Bottom Navigation Custom Gifs
3. Bottom Navigation Hide On Scroll (Horizontal ScrollView,RecyclerView ) Gifs
4. Tab Layout (Icon) Gifs
5. Basic RecyclerView gif
6. RecyclerView Using Volley API Gifs
7. Grid RecyclerView (2 Columns) Gifs
8. Grid RecyclerView (3 Columns) Gifs
9. Swipe To Dismiss RecyclerView Gifs
10. Expanable RecyclerView Gifs
11. Section RecyclerView Gifs
12. Multiple Selection RecyclerView Gifs
13. Scroll To Top RecyclerView Gifs
14. Navigation Drawer Menu (Both Side Left & Right) Gifs
15. Bottom Sheet (It is available in basic recyclerview details page) Gifs
16 Webview Gifs
17. AutoComplete EditText (Multiline and SingleLine AutoComplete ) Gifs
18. Spinner Gifs
19. Basic SearchView Gifs
20. Toolbar SearchView Gifs
21. Calculater App Gifs
22. ScrollView (Nested,Horizontal ) Gifs
23. Rating Gifs
24. Alert Dialog (FullScreen , Short) Gifs
25. Date Time Picker Gifs
26. Expandable Card Gifs
27. Collapse Toolbar (Admob Full Screen Ad) Gifs
28. Floating Button with Submenu (Fab button) Gifs
29. Music Player Gifs
30. PopMenu Gifs

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