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internal/eval: implement basic functionality of GEORADIUSBYMEMBER com…
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benbarten committed Nov 22, 2024
1 parent 56641e9 commit 91ca84a
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Showing 5 changed files with 291 additions and 6 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions internal/errors/migrated_errors.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ var (
ErrInvalidIPAddress = errors.New("invalid IP address")
ErrInvalidFingerprint = errors.New("invalid fingerprint")
ErrKeyDoesNotExist = errors.New("ERR could not perform this operation on a key that doesn't exist")
ErrInvalidFloat = errors.New("ERR value is not a valid float")
ErrUnsupportedUnit = errors.New("ERR unsupported unit provided. please use m, km, ft, mi")

// Error generation functions for specific error messages with dynamic parameters.
ErrWrongArgumentCount = func(command string) error {
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions internal/eval/commands.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1301,6 +1301,14 @@ var (
NewEval: evalGEODIST,
KeySpecs: KeySpecs{BeginIndex: 1},
geoRadiusByMemberCmdMeta = DiceCmdMeta{
Info: `Returns all members within a radius of a given member from the geospatial index.`,
Arity: -4,
IsMigrated: true,
KeySpecs: KeySpecs{BeginIndex: 1},
jsonstrappendCmdMeta = DiceCmdMeta{
Info: `JSON.STRAPPEND key [path] value
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1444,6 +1452,7 @@ func init() {
DiceCmds["FLUSHDB"] = flushdbCmdMeta
DiceCmds["GEOADD"] = geoAddCmdMeta
DiceCmds["GEODIST"] = geoDistCmdMeta
DiceCmds["GEORADIUSBYMEMBER"] = geoRadiusByMemberCmdMeta
DiceCmds["GET"] = getCmdMeta
DiceCmds["GETBIT"] = getBitCmdMeta
DiceCmds["GETDEL"] = getDelCmdMeta
Expand Down
162 changes: 157 additions & 5 deletions internal/eval/geo/geo.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,24 @@ const earthRadius float64 = 6372797.560856
// Bit precision for geohash - picked up to match redis
const bitPrecision = 52

const mercatorMax = 20037726.37

const (
minLat = -85.05112878
maxLat = 85.05112878
minLon = -180
maxLon = 180

type Unit string

const (
Meters Unit = "m"
Kilometers Unit = "km"
Miles Unit = "mi"
Feet Unit = "ft"

func DegToRad(deg float64) float64 {
return math.Pi * deg / 180.0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,16 +89,150 @@ func ConvertDistance(
distance float64,
unit string,
) (converted float64, err []byte) {
switch unit {
case "m":
switch Unit(unit) {
case Meters:
return distance, nil
case "km":
case Kilometers:
return distance / 1000, nil
case "mi":
case Miles:
return distance / 1609.34, nil
case "ft":
case Feet:
return distance / 0.3048, nil
return 0, errors.NewErrWithMessage("ERR unsupported unit provided. please use m, km, ft, mi")

// ToMeters converts a distance and its unit to meters
func ToMeters(distance float64, unit string) (float64, bool) {
switch Unit(unit) {
case Meters:
return distance, true
case Kilometers:
return distance * 1000, true
case Miles:
return distance * 1609.34, true
case Feet:
return distance * 0.3048, true
return 0, false

func geohashEstimateStepsByRadius(radius, lat float64) uint8 {
if radius == 0 {
return 26

step := 1
for radius < mercatorMax {
radius *= 2
step -= 2 // Make sure range is included in most of the base cases.

/* Note from the redis implementation:
Wider range towards the poles... Note: it is possible to do better
than this approximation by computing the distance between meridians
at this latitude, but this does the trick for now. */
if lat > 66 || lat < -66 {
if lat > 80 || lat < -80 {

if step < 1 {
step = 1
if step > 26 {
step = 26

return uint8(step)

// Area returns the geohashes of the area covered by a circle with a given radius. It returns the center hash
// and the 8 surrounding hashes. The second return value is the number of steps used to cover the area.
func Area(centerHash, radius float64) ([9]uint64, uint8) {
var result [9]uint64

centerLat, centerLon := DecodeHash(centerHash)

steps := geohashEstimateStepsByRadius(radius, centerLat)

centerRadiusHash := geohash.EncodeIntWithPrecision(centerLat, centerLon, uint(steps)*2)

neighbors := geohash.NeighborsIntWithPrecision(centerRadiusHash, uint(steps)*2)
area := geohash.BoundingBoxInt(centerRadiusHash)

/* Check if the step is enough at the limits of the covered area.
* Sometimes when the search area is near an edge of the
* area, the estimated step is not small enough, since one of the
* north / south / west / east square is too near to the search area
* to cover everything. */
north := geohash.BoundingBoxInt(neighbors[0])
east := geohash.BoundingBoxInt(neighbors[2])
south := geohash.BoundingBoxInt(neighbors[4])
west := geohash.BoundingBoxInt(neighbors[6])

decreaseStep := false
if north.MaxLat < maxLat || south.MinLat < minLat || east.MaxLng < maxLon || west.MinLng < minLon {
decreaseStep = true

if steps > 1 && decreaseStep {
centerRadiusHash = geohash.EncodeIntWithPrecision(centerLat, centerLon, uint(steps)*2)
neighbors = geohash.NeighborsIntWithPrecision(centerRadiusHash, uint(steps)*2)
area = geohash.BoundingBoxInt(centerRadiusHash)

// exclude useless areas
if steps >= 2 {
if area.MinLat < minLat {
neighbors[3] = 0 // south east
neighbors[4] = 0 // south
neighbors[5] = 0 // south west

if area.MaxLat > maxLat {
neighbors[0] = 0 // north
neighbors[1] = 0 // north east
neighbors[7] = 0 // north west

if area.MinLng < minLon {
neighbors[5] = 0 // south west
neighbors[6] = 0 // west
neighbors[7] = 0 // north west

if area.MaxLng > maxLon {
neighbors[1] = 0 // north east
neighbors[2] = 0 // east
neighbors[3] = 0 // south east

result[0] = centerRadiusHash
for i := 0; i < len(neighbors); i++ {
result[i+1] = neighbors[i]

return result, steps

// HashMinMax returns the min and max hashes for a given hash and steps. This can be used to get the range of hashes
// that a given hash and a radius (steps) will cover.
func HashMinMax(hash uint64, steps uint8) (uint64, uint64) {
min := geohashAlign52Bits(hash, steps)
max := geohashAlign52Bits(hash, steps)
return min, max

func geohashAlign52Bits(hash uint64, steps uint8) uint64 {
hash <<= (52 - steps*2)
return hash
34 changes: 33 additions & 1 deletion internal/eval/sortedset/sorted_set.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ func (ss *Set) Remove(member string) bool {
return true

// GetRange returns a slice of members with scores between min and max, inclusive.
// GetRange returns a slice of members with indices between min and max, inclusive.
// it returns the members in ascending order if reverse is false, and descending order if reverse is true.
// If withScores is true, the members will be returned with their scores.
func (ss *Set) GetRange(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,3 +251,35 @@ func (ss *Set) CountInRange(minVal, maxVal float64) int {

return count

// GetScoreRange returns a slice of members with scores between min and max, inclusive.
// It returns the members in ascending order if reverse is false, and descending order if reverse is true.
// If withScores is true, the members will be returned with their scores.
func (ss *Set) GetScoreRange(
minScore, maxScore float64,
withScores bool,
reverse bool,
) []string {
var result []string
iterFunc := func(item btree.Item) bool {
ssi := item.(*Item)
if ssi.Score < minScore {
return true
if ssi.Score > maxScore {
return false
result = append(result, ssi.Member)
if withScores {
scoreStr := strconv.FormatFloat(ssi.Score, 'g', -1, 64)
result = append(result, scoreStr)
return true
if reverse {
} else {
return result
90 changes: 90 additions & 0 deletions internal/eval/store_eval.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6944,3 +6944,93 @@ func evalCommandDocs(args []string) *EvalResponse {

return makeEvalResult(result)

func evalGEORADIUSBYMEMBER(args []string, store *dstore.Store) *EvalResponse {
if len(args) < 4 {
return &EvalResponse{
Result: nil,
Error: diceerrors.ErrWrongArgumentCount("GEODIST"),

key := args[0]
member := args[1]
dist := args[2]
unit := args[3]

distVal, parseErr := strconv.ParseFloat(dist, 64)
if parseErr != nil {
return &EvalResponse{
Result: nil,
Error: diceerrors.ErrInvalidFloat,

// TODO parse options
// parseGeoRadiusOptions(args[4:])

obj := store.Get(key)
if obj == nil {
return &EvalResponse{
Result: clientio.NIL,
Error: nil,

ss, err := sortedset.FromObject(obj)
if err != nil {
return &EvalResponse{
Result: nil,
Error: diceerrors.ErrWrongTypeOperation,

memberHash, ok := ss.Get(member)
if !ok {
return &EvalResponse{
Result: nil,
Error: nil,

radius, ok := geo.ToMeters(distVal, unit)
if !ok {
return &EvalResponse{
Result: nil,
Error: diceerrors.ErrUnsupportedUnit,

area, steps := geo.Area(memberHash, radius)

/* When a huge Radius (in the 5000 km range or more) is used,
* adjacent neighbors can be the same, leading to duplicated
* elements. Skip every range which is the same as the one
* processed previously. */

var members []string
var lastProcessed uint64
for _, hash := range area {
if hash == 0 {

if lastProcessed == hash {

// TODO handle COUNT arg to limit number of returned members

hashMin, hashMax := geo.HashMinMax(hash, steps)
rangeMembers := ss.GetScoreRange(float64(hashMin), float64(hashMax), false, false)
for _, member := range rangeMembers {
members = append(members, fmt.Sprintf("%q", member))

// TODO handle options

return &EvalResponse{
Result: clientio.Encode(members, false),

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