Laravel query filter is a package that offers you to create filters easy-peasy.
composer require diar/laravel-query-filter
In order to use a filter you have to create a new one by the command that is provided by the package:
php artisan make:filter BookFilters
This command will create a directory Filters
and BookFilters
class inside. To use the filter method of Book
model use the Filterable
namespace App\Models;
use Deviar\LaravelQueryFilter\Filters\Filterable;
class Book extends Model
use Filterable;
And set the defaultFilter
of a model by adding:
protected $defaultFilter = BooksFilters::class;
if you want to override the default filters just call the CustomFilter
when calling the filter method:
The package provides many options in Filter class:
To use attributes in filter like /books?title=hero&author_id=2
you have to add:
protected array $allowedFilters = ['title' , 'author_id'];
To set columns that will be included in search /books?search=annabel
you have to add:
protected array $columnSearch= ['title','descriptions'];
To search by relationship columns /books?search=kathlen
you have to add:
protected array $relationSearch = [
'author' => ['first_name', 'last_name']
To allow relationship model to be loaded /books?include=author
you have to add:
protected array $allowedIncludes = ['author'];
To sort resource by an attribute you have to add:
protected array $allowedSorts= ['created_at'];
// desc : /books?sorts=created_at
// asc : /books?sorts=-created_at
You can create a custom query by creating a new function in the Filter
class, for example filtering books by publishing date:
public function publish_at($date)
$this->builder->whereDate('publish_at', $date);
// /books?publish_at=20151124
or filter by relationship:
public function custom($term)
$this->builder->whereHas('options', function($query) => $query->where('custom_id', $term));
// /books?custom=33