The following contains the notes related to Reinforcement Learning from the YouTube playlist by David Silver. The playlist contains all the relevant info about RL that is required in this SoC project.
A process which has the property: The future is independent of the past given the present Mathematically, $$ \mathbb{P}[S_{t+1}\space|\space S_t]=\mathbb{P}[S_{t+1}\space|\space S_1,\cdots,S_t] $$
That is, for the purpose of decision making, the past can be simply thrown away. Example: Chess
The state transition matrix
Thus, a given markov process can be completely defined by the tuple
In addition to simple markov process, the markov reward process involves reward
Note: It will be helpful to think of both
Q. But why use the discount factor? A. Because, our model may not be correct, in which case the future is probably not what we expect it to be. So, discount factor sort of denotes our trust in the model too. It may also be something that models instant gratification nature of humans (* shrugs *)
Definition: Return is the total discounted reward that an agent recieves from time
Represents the return that can be expected to be recieved once a given state
Analysing the value function, we see $$ \begin{flalign} V(s)&=\mathbb{E}[G_t\space |\space S_t=s] \\ &=\mathbb{E}[R_{t+1}+\gamma R_{t+2}+\cdots\space |\space S_t=s] \\ &=\mathbb{E}[R_{t+1}+\gamma(R_{t+2}+\gamma R_{t+3}+\cdots)\space |\space S_t=s] \ \ &=\mathbb{E}[R_{t+1}+\gamma(G_{t+1})\space |\space S_t=s] \ \ &=\mathbb{E}[R_{t+1}+\gamma V(S_{t+1}) \space |\space S_t=s] \ \ \end{flalign} $$
#homework: Verify this
So, well, we can just find the value function, by solving the equation, right? Right, but it can take a lot of time. So, we'll find faster and more realistic ways to compute the value function.
Has everything that the reward process does, but also includes the notion of action That is, the behaviour of the agent in a given state is also required to define this process.
Modifications: Now, transition probability depends on action taken too. Also, in general, reward function depends on the action taken too.
This is what fully defines the behaviour of an agent.
A policy
When the policy is introduced, the value function is also dependent on it. That is,
Similarly, the value of an state-action pair
Notice that
But wait, that means we can find
To find an optimal policy, let us first define a partial ordering over policies: $$ \pi \geq \pi' \space\text{ if } v_\pi(s)\geq v_{\pi'},\text{ } \forall s $$
For every Markov Decision Process:
- There exists an optimal policy
$\pi_\star$ that is greater than any other policy (inequality defined above) - All optimal policies achieve the optimal value function,
$v_{\pi_\star}(s)=v_\star(s)$ - All optimal policies achieve the optimal action-value function,
Example of an optimal policy: $$ \pi(a|s)= \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if }a=\underset{a\in A}{\text{argmax}}\space q_\star(s,a) \ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$
The process of taking a policy, making an agent act according to that policy and iteratively finding the functions
This is essentially evaluating how good a policy is, because it represents the net reward that the agent can get on following the said policy in the form of the value of each state and of each state-action pair.
Once we know how to evaluate a policy, we can now start thinking about how to improve the policy
- Given a policy
$\pi$ -
Evaluate the policy
$\pi$ -
Improve the policy by generating a new policy that simply acts greedily with respect to the evaluated
Evaluate the policy
Usually, this process needs to be repeated multiple times in order to get to an optimal policy
However, the process of policy iteration always converges to
#doubt: Is it possible for such a policy iteration to get stuck at a local maximum?
But when do we know when to stop? (practically, when the changes in value function become very small) When we reach optimal policy. But what is the optimal policy?
A policy
Value iteration is simply the process of finding a value function greedily with respect to a previously found value function. This can be thought of as a policy iteration with 1 round of value update for each round of policy update.
However, the value function's values can eventually decrease as the iteration proceeds. But wasn't it supposed to improve? Nope, the evaluated value function of policies generated is what is supposed to improve. Not all generated value functions correspond to a policy. This is a clear difference between value iteration and policy iteration.
In the discussion above, we usually consider every single action from every single state and every single state that the action can lead us to, and so on. This is called synchronous dynamic programming.
However, that probably involves too much unnecessary computation, the effects of which are apparent when the action space or the state space is very large.
Enter asynchronous dynamic programming, where only some subset of all of that computation is done. The value function is still guaranteed to go closer and closer to the optimal value function, so the algorithm is still guaranteed to converge.
We now discuss various methods of using asynchronous dynamic programming
In synchronous value iteration, two functions (old and new) need to be stored.
However, using in-place value iteration, only one value function needs to be saved. The value function is updated in place, instead of in a new location. In this case, in one iteration, a greater progress is made, because new values generated in the iteration are used in the later stages of the same iteration.
At the end of every value iteration, one can store the Bellman Error in the value of each state.
Note: This is computationally less expensive than the value-updation of that state.
If this error is large for some state, it indicates that there is more information(or a larger update) that can be extracted from processing that specific state (and even its neighbouring states). Thus, such a state should be given a higher priority in the next value iteration.