The mail_API
project is an ASP.NET Core Web API designed to manage Brazilian postal code (CEP) information. The API provides endpoints to fetch details of a specific CEP and to insert new address data by CEP.
- Controllers
: Handles the API requests related to CEP information.
- Services
: Implements the business logic for fetching and saving CEP information.
- Interfaces
: Defines the contract for the CEP service.ICepRepository
: Defines the contract for the CEP repository.
- Models
: Represents the CEP data structure.
- DTOs
: Represents the data transfer object for the CEP request.
Fetches information for a specific CEP.
- Summary: Get information for a specific CEP
- Responses:
200 OK
: Returns the CEP data.404 Not Found
: CEP not found.500 Internal Server Error
: Internal error occurred.
Example Request: GET /api/cep/01001000
"cep": "01001-000",
"logradouro": "Praça da Sé",
"complemento": "lado ímpar",
"bairro": "Sé",
"localidade": "São Paulo",
"uf": "SP",
"ibge": "3550308",
"gia": "1004",
"ddd": "11",
"siafi": "7107"
Inserts a new address by CEP.
Summary: Insert a new address by CEP
- Responses:
200 OK
: Data successfully inserted.404 Not Found
: Invalid CEP.500 Internal Server Error
: Internal error occurred while saving data.
"message": "Data successfully saved"
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd mail_API
Set up the database connection:
Add your database connection string to the configuration file (e.g., appsettings.json).
📝 Note: This project also includes API documentation with Swagger, which is a handy tool for visualizing and testing the API. 😊