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General-purpose framework to solve classification problems in the particle physics domain

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[ARCHIVED] ML framework

NB: the archived version of this repo is fully functional but no longer mantained and developed.


General-purpose framework to solve event classification problems in the particle physics domain ⚛

Environment setup

It is recommended to run the code or install complementary packages from within a dedicated conda environment, which contains all the necessary packages and can be set up from a conda.yaml file.

  1. Firstly, download and install Miniconda following these instructions. For example, for Linux x86_64:

Following the instructions one will be asked to specify the directory where Miniconda will be installed. In case of using the framework at naf, make sure to specify the path in nfs area: e.g. /nfs/dust/cms/user/${USERNAME}/miniconda3. This is needed to ensure that sufficient space is available to download python packages. Also, type yes once asked for initialisation of conda and if there is no need for the conda base environment to be activated on startup, execute conda config --set auto_activate_base false. Then, relaunch the shell/relogin for the installation to take effect.

  1. After that, clone the repo and install the conda environment (note: this might take some time):
git clone
cd ml-framework
conda env create -f conda.yaml
  1. Once the conda environment is created, it should be activated/deactivated with:
conda activate ${ENV_NAME}
# conda deactivate
  1. At this point, one might want to register this environment in Jupyter as a kernel. To do that, execute inside of the environment the following command:
ipython kernel install --user --name=${ENV_NAME}

The newly created kernel can now be activated in the Jupyter selection menu (top-right corner in the Jupyter tab)

NB: other initialisations of environment variables (especially those of $PATH) might negatively interfere with conda. One example would be the command cmsenv or sourcing of CMSSW-related initialisation scripts. If something doesn't work with packages inside the conda environment, check that there is no such conflict with other initialisation procedures (e.g., happening automatically in ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc).

NB: For correct plotly rendering in JupyterLab, check that extensions are enabled in Extension Manager (located in the corresponding tab on the left panel of the JupyterLab window) and jupyterlab-plotly is displayed amongst them.

Data preprocessing

As the very first step, input ROOT files are preprocessed and skimmed within the framework prior to training. This is done with script, which combines the input set of ROOT files (also referred to as nodes) into a single pandas DataFrame, then performs necessary transformations/additions/filtering, then splits the dataframe into the output nodes and stores each into hdf5 file. Conceptually, the preprocessing stage can be viewed as a dataflow, where input source files are firstly merged into a single stream which then flows through a series of transformations and splits towards its end, which would be a storage into hdf5 files.

There are two paths in this preprocessing dataflow: the one to skim the data set for training and the other to skim it to make predictions for final statistical inference. This is done by the same script and the flag for_training in the input cfg file indicates the path to be followed within the script. Therefore, there are two configs which define what and how needs to be skimmed, each corresponding to either training or prediction paths: configs/preprocess/training_data/*.yaml and configs/preprocess/prediction_data/*.yaml respectively. These configs are passed to with hydra, see its documentation for more details on the usage.

For example, in order to prepare 2018 data for bbH analysis in the tautau channel for training one needs to execute:

python --config-path configs/preprocess/training_data --config-name bbH_tt.yaml year=2018
# python --config-path configs/preprocess/prediction_data --config-name bbH_tt.yaml year=2018 ### preprocessing of data for prediction

This will produce out of the input ROOT files in input_path folder hdf5 skims in the output_path, which can be further passed to a model of one's choice. Note that inside of hdf5 files continuous/categorical/miscellaneous features and labels are stored as separate groups.

NB: generally speaking, it is the user's responsibility to implement preprocessing which is appropriate for their analysis. Current implementation includes simple checks for NaN/inf values (without their preprocessing), scaling/PCA as a sklearn pipeline and clipping of njets.

Model training

To track the model training mlflow project has been set up, see its description in MLproject file. There is currently one entry points main which runs python with necessary parameters from configs/train/train.yaml added/overriden. There is hydra also used under the hood to parse those parameters from the yaml cfg file.

Training data is extracted as pandas DataFrames from hdf5 files (produced at step) and further passed to the model (without any preprocessing). At the moment, only gradient boosting on trees (aka BDT) with lightgbm is implemented to solve the classification problem.

To train and track the model create an experiment (unless already done) and run it with mlflow specifying:

  • a corresponding entry point (with -e option, defaults to main)
  • name of the experiment for the run to be assigned to (--experiment-name $MY_EXPERIMENT_NAME)
  • --no-conda to avoid creating new conda environment and at the runtime
  • mlflow params with their values (e.g. -P num_iterations=5 or -P n_splits=2, optional, see MLproject for all of them and their default values)
  • project directory (. - current directory)
mlflow run --experiment-name $MY_EXPERIMENT_NAME -P year=2018 -P num_iterations=5 -P n_splits=2 --no-conda .

Note: Oppositely to the manual installation, running mlflow run without --no-conda flag automatically creates a conda environment from conda.yaml cfg file and runs the code from there.

mlflow takes care of logging and saving all the basic information about the training, including the model and optional metrics/artifacts (if specified in and assigns each model to a unique mlflow run_ID. This is by default logged into mlruns/{experiment_ID}/{run_ID} folder inside of the framework directory. Please remember both experiment_ID which was assigned internally to a new $MY_EXPERIMENT_NAME and run_ID. The former should be an integer number, which is needed as one of the input cfg parameters in the following modules of the framework. The latter is outputted in the terminal once the training is done, or alternatively, it is always possible to fetch it from mlflow ui (see Tracking section below).

It is important to note that the training is implemented in N-fold manner (also referred to as cross-training). The input dataset will be split into n_splits folds (as defined in the training cfg file) and n_splits models will be trained, where model_{i} uses fold_{i} only for metric validation during the training, not for the training itself. The folds are indexed based on the remainder of division of xtrain_split_feature column in the input data set by n_splits. In case when n_splits=1 is set, only one model will be trained on train_size fraction of the input data set, while the rest of it will be used for validation of loss/metrics during the training.

Tracking results

Once the training is done, mlflow provides a UI interface to inspect and compare the logged results across experiments/runs. Firstly, in case of running the code on a remote machine, find out its hostname with:


Then, to run mlflow UI execute from the directory which contains mlruns folder the command (-p specifies the port id, default is 5000):

mlflow ui -p ${REMOTE_PORT_ID}

In case of running on a remote machine and not being able to open a browser as a GUI there, one can listen to a remote server via ssh and interact with it on a local machine (e.g. personal laptop). For that, run the commands below on a local machine to make an ssh tunnel and forward remote port to a local one (insert the output of the echo ${USERNAME}@${HOSTNAME} command from remote in SERVER variable definition):

# SERVER=...
ssh -N -f -L localhost:${LOCAL_PORT_ID}:localhost:${REMOTE_PORT_ID} ${SERVER}

Then one can access mlflow UI locally by going to http://localhost:5010 in a browser (here, 5010 is a local port id taken from a code snippet example).

NB: it is important to close all the ports after their usage is finished, otherwise they will likely hang there forever. This implies executing Ctrl+C to close the server with mlflow ui, and then also manually closing the ssh tunnels locally (i.e. on one's laptop). Depending on the OS, it can be done either via system process manager, or in the terminal with firstly finding the corresponding processes with ps aux | grep ssh, and then killing it with kill <process_id>. If you see that on the remote machine you can't create a port because of the error "Connection in use" (likely because it wasn't closed before), you can find the corresponding process ID with ps aux | grep mlflow and kill it with kill <process_ID>.

Making predictions

Given the trained model, one can now produce predictions for further inference for the given set of hdf5 files (produced by This is performed with script which loads the model(s) with mlflow given the corresponding experiment_ID and run_ID, opens each of the input sample_names files (specified in the input yaml cfg file) and passes the data to the model(s).

Prediction workflow is also implemented to be in N-fold fashion, which should be transparent to the user similarly to the training step. The number of splits is infered from mlflow logs for the corresponding run ID, so that the strategy of the prediction split is automatically adapted to the strategy of the training split. That is, conceptually only experiment_id/run_id and path to input data is needed to produce predictions and store them to the output files. Variables stored are (see utils/ for details) pred_class_{i}_proba (predicted probability of i-th class), pred_class (argmax of output nodes), pred_class_proba (probability of pred_class) and additionally misc_features as those specified in the cfg file.

There are two possible outputs (each configured with its own cfg file) which can be created at the prediction step. One is of the kind for_datacards and the other is for_evaluation. For both of them the predictions are produced in the same way, but they are saved to different file formats. For example, in case of option for_datacards:

python --config-name for_datacards.yaml year=2018 experiment_id=None run_id=None # insert the corresponding experiment/run ID here

For a given model from a corresponding mlflow run it will produce in output_path ROOT files one per sample_name with predictions saved therein to a TTree named output_tree_name. To do that, RDataFrame class is used to snapshot a python dictionary with prediction arrays into ROOT files. After that they can be used in the next steps of the analysis, e.g. in order to produce datacards. Using TTree friends might be especially helpful in this case to augment the original input ROOT files with predictions added as a new branch (evt in the example below is used as a common index):

TFile *f = new TFile("file_pred.root","READ");
TFile *F = new TFile("file_main.root","READ");
TTree* t = (TTree*)f->Get("tree");
TTree* T = (TTree*)F->Get("tree");

Please note that during datacard production/statistical inference one needs to make sure that the correct mapping of events between input tuples and predictions is established. Within the framework, the mapping is implemented in a way that predictions for the i-th entry in the input tree has the i-th positional index in the prediction tree. Events are rearranged based on the values of (evt, run) pair, which is usually a unique identifier of event across all the data samples.

This rearrangement corresponds to the scenario when input and prediction friend trees are combined together with T->AddFriend(t) without any explicit reindexing on the ROOT side (this reindexing seems to take extremely long time). By default, it implies the mapping where the i-th entry in one tree is mapped to the i-th entry in the other.

The second option for_evaluation is implemented in order to run the next step of estimating the model performance:

python --config-name for_evaluation.yaml year=2018 experiment_id=None run_id=None # insert the corresponding experiment/run ID here

Here, for a given input files (from input_path, as always preprocessed with and a given training (from run_id) predictions will be logged into .csv files under exactly the same run_id. After that, simply referring to a single run_id, predictions will be fetched automatically from mlflow logs and a dashboard with various metrics and plots can be produced with script.

Evaluating results

Given the trained model and corresponding predictions for train and test skims (produced with for_evaluation), one can be interested in evaluating the model's performance on these data sets. For that purpose, there is a dedicated script which is configured with a corresponding configs/evaluate.yaml cfg file. Basically, one needs to simply specify there usual experiment_id/run_id and the name of the dataset to be used for estimation ("train"/"test"). The latter will be fetched from corresponding mlflow run folder. That is, executing the following command:

python experiment_id=None run_id=None dataset=None # insert the values here

will compute, plot and finally log all the plots (both interactive plotly html and pdf files) and metrics under the corresponding run_id. Currently, these include plots of model's output distribution for true classes in each predicted category (as probability density), confusion matrix (weighted with class weights, normalised by true and predicted values), ROC and precision-recall (PR) curves (weighted with one-vs-all class weights). Corresponding plotting functions are defined in utils/

After that, one will be able to inspect and compare them across various runs using mlflow UI (see Tracking section above). To do that, please click on the run of interest (under the column Start Time) in the main table with all runs and scroll down to a section Artifacts and head over to plots folder.

Furthermore, in the Metrics section metric values, also computed inside of should appear. At the moment this includes area under ROC curve for each class (roc_auc_*), average precision (pr_average_prec_*) and confusion matrix elements (cm), all of them separately for train and test samples.


General-purpose framework to solve classification problems in the particle physics domain






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  • Python 100.0%