Synchronisation n-tuples collector
Branch Name | Description (in non obvious) |
Event ID variables | |
run | |
lumi | |
evt | |
Generator Variables | |
isZtt | True if the Z or H boson decays into tt final state |
isZmt | True if the Z or H boson decays into mt final state |
isZet | True if the Z or H boson decays into et final state |
isZee | True if the Z or H boson decays into tautau->ee final state |
isZmm | True if the Z or H boson decays into tautau->mm final state |
isZem | True if the Z or H boson decays into em final state |
isZEE | True if the Z or H boson decays into prompt into ee |
isZMM | True if the Z or H boson decays into prompt into mm |
isZLL | True if the Z or H boson decays into prompt into mm or ee (equal to (isZEE or isZMM) ) |
isFake | gives an integer that will be used to split the DY->LL sample. [[][Channel-dependednt definition]] |
NUP | Number of partons. Useful to stitch the DY/W inclusive sample with exclusive. Handle('source','LHEEventProduct').product().hepeup().NUP |
Event Weights | |
weight | global event weight (MC xSection and num events excluded) |
puweight | |
Pile Up | |
npv | |
npu | |
rho | |
Leg 1 (leading tau for tt, electron for et, muon for mt,em) | |
pt_1 | |
phi_1 | |
eta_1 | |
m_1 | |
q_1 | |
d0_1 | |
dZ_1 | |
mt_1 | |
iso_1 | |
id_m_loose_1 | |
id_m_medium_1 | |
id_m_tight_1 | |
id_m_tightnovtx_1 | |
id_m_highpt_1 | |
id_e_mva_nt_loose_1 | |
id_e_mva_nt_loose_1 | |
id_e_cut_veto_1 | |
id_e_cut_loose_1 | |
id_e_cut_medium_1 | |
id_e_cut_tight_1 | |
trigweight_1 | |
againstElectronLooseMVA5_1 | |
againstElectronMediumMVA5_1 | |
againstElectronTightMVA5_1 | |
againstElectronVLooseMVA5_1 | |
againstElectronVTightMVA5_1 | |
againstMuonLoose3_1 | |
againstMuonTight3_1 | |
byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_1 | |
byIsolationMVA3newDMwoLTraw_1 | |
byIsolationMVA3oldDMwoLTraw_1 | |
byIsolationMVA3newDMwLTraw_1 | |
byIsolationMVA3oldDMwLTraw_1 | |
chargedIsoPtSum_1 | |
decayModeFinding_1 | |
decayModeFindingNewDMs_1 | |
neutralIsoPtSum_1 | |
puCorrPtSum_1 | |
Leg 2 (trailing tau for tt, tau for et, mt, ele for em) | |
pt_2 | |
phi_2 | |
eta_2 | |
m_2 | |
q_2 | |
d0_2 | |
dZ_2 | |
mt_2 | |
iso_2 | |
id_m_loose_2 | |
id_m_medium_2 | |
id_m_tight_2 | |
id_m_tightnovtx_2 | |
id_m_highpt_2 | |
id_e_mva_nt_loose_2 | |
id_e_mva_nt_loose_2 | |
id_e_cut_veto_2 | |
id_e_cut_loose_2 | |
id_e_cut_medium_2 | |
id_e_cut_tight_2 | |
trigweight_2 | |
againstElectronLooseMVA5_2 | |
againstElectronMediumMVA5_2 | |
againstElectronTightMVA5_2 | |
againstElectronVLooseMVA5_2 | |
againstElectronVTightMVA5_2 | |
againstMuonLoose3_2 | |
againstMuonTight3_2 | |
byCombinedIsolationDeltaBetaCorrRaw3Hits_2 | |
byIsolationMVA3newDMwoLTraw_2 | |
byIsolationMVA3oldDMwoLTraw_2 | |
byIsolationMVA3newDMwLTraw_2 | |
byIsolationMVA3oldDMwLTraw_2 | |
chargedIsoPtSum_2 | |
decayModeFinding_2 | |
decayModeFindingNewDMs_2 | |
neutralIsoPtSum_2 | |
puCorrPtSum_2 | |
di-tau system | |
pth | à la HIG-13-004 |
m_vis | |
m_sv | using MarkovChain MC integration svfit.mass() |
pt_sv | using MarkovChain MC integration |
eta_sv | using MarkovChain MC integration svfit.eta() |
phi_sv | using MarkovChain MC integration svfit.phi() |
met_sv | using MarkovChain MC integration svfit.fittedMET().Rho() |
MET | |
met | raw PF MET |
metphi | raw PF MET phi |
mvamet | mva met |
mvametphi | mva met phi |
pzetavis | using mva met |
pzetamiss | using mva met |
mvacov00 | mva met |
mvacov01 | mva met |
mvacov10 | mva met |
mvacov11 | mva met |
VBF system | |
mjj | |
jdeta | |
njetingap | passing puJetId, pfJetID and pt > 30 GeV |
jdphi | |
dijetpt | |
dijetphi | |
hdijetphi | phi(Higgs visible, di-jet) |
visjeteta | |
ptvis | |
additional jets | |
nbtag | pt>20 and abs(eta)<2.4 |
njets | pt>30 and abs(eta)<4.7 |
njetspt20 | pt>20 and abs(eta)<4.7 |
leading jet sorted by pt | |
jpt_1 | |
jeta_1 | |
jphi_1 | |
jrawf_1 | factor to be applied to the jet p4 to obtain its unceorrected p4 |
jmva_1 | pu Jet id score |
jpfid_1 | loose pf jet ID |
jpuid_1 | |
jcsv_1 | |
trailing jet sorted by pt | |
jpt_2 | |
jeta_2 | |
jphi_2 | |
jrawf_2 | |
jmva_2 | |
jpfid_2 | |
jpuid_2 | |
jcsv_2 | |
leading b-jet sorted by pt | |
bjpt_1 | |
bjeta_1 | |
bjphi_1 | |
bjrawf_1 | |
bjmva_1 | |
bjpfid_1 | |
bjpuid_1 | |
bjcsv_1 | |
trailing b-jet sorted by pt | |
bjpt_2 | |
bjeta_2 | |
bjphi_2 | |
bjrawf_2 | |
bjmva_2 | |
bjpfid_2 | |
bjpuid_2 | |
bjcsv_2 |