Read the NotebookForCode
Each file_index corresponds to an image file. The notebook gives a visual representation of the data. The data is stored in a dictionary with the following keys:
- 'image': the image data
- 'label': the label of the image
- 'filename': the filename of the image
- 'file_index': the index of the image in the dataset
- 'dataset': the dataset the image belongs to
- 'dataset_index': the index of the image in the dataset
The dataset are uploaded on DataFed with id d/501306946 for the Bounding Boxes and d/501306069 for the Images.
Read for FinalWork
Data preprocessing code can be modified based on how the h5 files obtained from DataFed is stored.
I will provide an easier access to data in the future but email is [email protected] for now.
This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.5. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see