- Bot prefix
- Owner ID
- botToken
- Server ID (in dev mod, right click the server and copy ID)
- moderation log channel name (You should only set this once)
Create the bot here - Make it a bot user - Not public bot
Open the folder preferably with Visual Studio Code Integrated terminal or git bash.
In the opened terminal:
Make sure you have npm installed:
- node -v
Install the required node modules:
- npm install --save request
- npm install --save discord.js
- npm install --save util
- npm install --save fs
- npm install --save path
When in the same folder as the index.js, run the bot with the command node .
The bot should be running.
Let the bot setup it's channels on first launch and configure them as you wish, do not change the name. In any channel you can execute the following commands (default prefix: !):
The bot will clear the <number> of past messages of that user.
The bot will warn the user with the message that follows in it's reason.