A set of migrations that deploy the PoolTogether contracts, along with a mock MoneyMarket and Token.
The migrations will deploy the contracts, mint tokens, start a pool, and deposit into the pool.
Clone the repo and then install deps:
$ yarn
Copy over .envrc and allow direnv:
$ cp .envrc.example .envrc
$ direnv allow
Start ganache-cli
$ yarn start
If you changed the mnemonic, you should update the ADMIN_ADDRESS variable in .envrc
with another address (I use the second address listed when ganache-cli
Now start a new zos session:
$ yarn session
Push out the local contracts:
$ zos push
Migrate the contracts and bootstrap the data:
$ yarn migrate
To see what data is bootstrapped, have a look at the migrations.
If things aren't working properly (getting random errors?) then try:
$ rm networks/1234.json && rm -rf build && rm zos.dev-1234.json && zos push && yarn migrate
To view a list of all of the Pool contract addresses:
yarn show
zos push --network rinkeby --from <admin address>
yarn migrate-rinkeby
Rinkeby DAI address: 0x6f2d6ff85efca691aad23d549771160a12f0a0fc Rinkeby MoneyMarket address: 0x3fda67f7583380e67ef93072294a7fac882fd7e7