Data Science Challege 101.
1). Predicting Fuel Efficiency of the Vehicle:
You are required to perform and document all the your processes, from data collection to deploying machine learning Model Using FastAPI.
1). Data Collection.
You are supposed to use the Classic Auto MPG dataset available at UCI ML Repository, Download the dataset here
2). Define Problem Statement
Frame your question based on description and initial exploration.
3). Exploratory Data Analysis
Carry out exploratory data analysis to figure out the important features and creating new combination of features.
4). Data Preparation.
Create a pipe line of tasks to transform the data to be loaded in our machine learning models
5). Selecting and Training Machine Learning Models
Train a few machine learning models to evaluate their predictions using cross validation.
6). Hyperparameters Tuning
Fine tune the hyperparameters for the models that showed promising results.
7). Deploy your Machine learnig Model using web service.
Deploy your model using FastAPI and Docker on Heroku.