Project idea – The iris flowers have different species and you can distinguish them based on the length of petals and sepals.
This is a basic project for machine learning beginners to predict the species of a new iris flower.
Link to the project:
Solution & Source Code: This will be availble when everybody has submitted their code.
Project idea – The dataset has house prices of the Boston residual areas.
The expense of the house varies according to various factors like crime rate, number of rooms, etc.
It is a good ML project for beginners to predict prices on the basis of new data.
Link to the project:
Solution & Source Code: This will be availble when everybody has submitted their code.
Project idea – In this project, you can build an interface to predict the quality of the red wine.
It will use the chemical information of the wine and based on the machine learning model, it will give you the result of wine quality.
Link to the project:
Solution & Source Code: This will be availble when everybody has submitted their code.
Project idea – The bitcoin price predictor is a useful project. Blockchain technology is increasing and there are many digital currencies rising.
This project will help you predict the price of the bitcoin using previous data.
Data Set:
Link to the project:
Solution & Source Code: This will be availble when everybody has submitted their code.
All the best, In case of any question contact Data SCiebnce East Africa Team at [email protected]
Regard Data Science East Africa.