Mini CRM demo app using VueJS and Laravel PHP Framework
Created by Marios Vasiliou
Mobile and Full Stack Developer
- PHP: >=7.1.3
- Composer Package Manager (
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- ZIP PHP Extension
- GD2 PHP Extension
- MYSQL Server 5.7+
To clone repository open terminal and type
git clone for HTTPS
git clone [email protected]:DarkPain0/mini-crm.git for SSH
In the root repository folder you have cloned write those commands
- composer install (to install vendor packages)
- cp .env.example to .env (or copy and paste my .env file and change according)
- create a database in mysql and add credentials in .env file
- php artisan migrate (to create tables)
- php artisan db:seed (to optionally seed fake data to database)
- php artisan serve --host=mini-crm.localhost --port=80 (to run laravel dev server)
- Optionally you download and use Laragon for easy setup a WAMP or LAMP Stack
- Open website
- Login with seeded admin user with credentials
[email protected] password
- In case you have problem with js,css run
npm prod
To run unit tests execute command
- phpunit (to run php unit tests)
- php artisan dusk (to run browser tests)`