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Releases: DarkGhostHunter/Captchavel

Final release, transition to new package

16 Feb 17:20
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Package superseeded by Laragear/ReCaptcha

The new version is very similar to Captchavel, plus has some great additions and performance optimizations.

Minor enhancement

05 Jan 02:05
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What's Changed

Also, updated the with minor code examples.

Full Changelog: v7.0.1...v7.0.2

Minor fix

21 Dec 18:33
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v7.0.0...v7.0.1

Version 7.0

15 Nov 05:24
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Remembering users

This new releases comes with a breaking change for adding a "remember": a user can avoid being challenged with a reCAPTCHA again if already done it on a window of time (default 10 minutes).

The breaking change is on the V2 middleware: the input parameter moved from second to third place. In second place now is the remember parameter.

What's New

  • Allows to remember challenges on session by the given minutes (disabled by default)
  • Remember methods for the middleware helper.
  • The @challenged and @unlesschallenged Blade if directives.

What's Changed

  • V2 Middleware second parameter has been moved to third place.
  • V2 Middleware second parameter now sets the remember mechanic.
  • ReCaptcha middleware helper is now the preferred way to declare the middleware.

Version 6 goes brrrr

31 Oct 21:02
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  • Score Challenges are resolved async, making them fast.
  • Validation errors are always for the input name (g-recaptcha-response by default).
  • V3 Responses are faked when Captchavel is disabled, or enabled and faking.


  • V2 middleware support bypassing checks on authentication.
  • V3 middleware scores 1.0 on authentication.
  • Middleware helper builder
  • Translation lines for validation errors.
  • Support for PHP 8.1.


  • Support for PHP 7.4 or below.
  • Support for Laravel 7.x or below.

Laravel Octane compatible

09 Apr 04:48
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This new version is a minor rewrite of Captchavel.

If you're upgrading, check this release changelog. Since a breaking change was Laravel Octane compatibility, work has been done to also upgrade some parts of this package.

What's changed?

  • Middlewares name. There is recaptcha for v2, and recaptcha.score for score-driven challenges.
  • Resolution helpers isResolved() and isNotResolved() have been moved to the ReCaptchaResponse object.
  • Config for credentials has been simplified for each reCAPTCHA service name.

What's added?

  • Nothing.

What's removed?

  • BaseCaptchavelMiddleware, which the middlewares were based upon.
  • ReCaptchaResponseReceived event. Nobody used, not even me.
  • Faking V2 responses on testing environment has been disabled. You need to explicitly disable Captchavel.

What's fixed?

  • Laravel Octane compatibility, mainly due to Captchavel being a "loose" singleton.

Added Laravel Octane incompatibility

08 Apr 01:42
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Because how this package works, Laravel Octane is incompatible with this package. To make it so, it will introduce breaking challenges.

Laravel 8.0 & PHP 8.0 support

16 Mar 21:00
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This is just a compatibility release.

Due to lack of funding, only latest versions will be supported, until the situation improves.

Major fixes

02 Jun 22:03
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This is a bugfix release.

  • Added Macros. I just literally forgot to add them.
  • Fixed threshold calculation. Now it will detect correctly when a score-driven request (v3) was made by a human or robot.

Version 3.0

29 May 05:35
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This new version is a total rewrite of the Captchavel packages. It has removed any frontend script and now allows your app to receive reCAPTCHA v2 challenges or v3 response scores.

About the frontend, I will leave it to the developer. There is no single script that can handle every reCAPTCHA scenario, specially on SPA. You should implement it yourself, and it's said it's quite easy.

What's changed?

  • Middlewares name. There are recaptcha.v2 and recaptcha.v3 middlewares.
  • You can fake responses using is_robot.

What's added?

  • Fake responses for unit testing and local development using the facade.
  • Default testing reCAPTCHA v2 keys for local development.
  • captchavel() helper to output reCAPTCHA Site Key (needed for your frontend reCAPTCHA script).
  • ReCaptchaResponseReceived event, firing on success or failure.

What's removed?

  • All frontend scripts.
  • Support for Laravel 6.
  • Google Official SDK. It now uses the underlying Laravel HTTP Client.

What's fixed?

  • My mental health.