- Hardware: Beaglebone black; Infared sensors.
- Software: BACnet
The project is occupancy detection of a room. It detects the number of people entering or exiting a door. It is implemented on top of a open source BACNET stack (http://sourceforge.net/projects/bacnet/files/bacnet-stack/bacnet-stack-0.8.0/ )
Running /demo/server/bacserv on a linux device will make the device a BACNET server.
We have modified the /demo/server/main.c file to have the functionality of people detection and update the relevant BACNET object accordingly.
Modified file is in the /demo/server --add the control of the Infared sensors --add the people counting algorithm
In the linux system, Running the server on the beaglebone:
./bin/bacser 123
Runnung the client on laptop.
./bin/bacrp 123 13 0 85
The demo video can be found at the Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQc1_J9LGl4