E-Teacher All E-Teacher servers: Webapp server: https://github.com/DannyCastroVentura/webapp-Dockerfile-E-Teacher Rest api server: https://github.com/DannyCastroVentura/serverApi-E-Teacher Data base server: https://github.com/DannyCastroVentura/db-dockerfile-e-teacher To run all servers in one computer: Go to the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file and run "docker-compose up" command. Needs manual: Be windows (in this project there was no need to make it runnable in other OS); Have docker desktop installed (to run the "docker-compose up" command). Sample video: https://alumniual-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/30002840_students_ual_pt/ESo8XcQdHaRNq6Gx37f_Y6wByzNhvlWoDPgOXTehbOmceA?e=IUaWmM