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Next.js Teslo Shop App using Next.js | TypeScript and MondogDB

look the app deployed on heroku in this link

Pokémon App 1

pokemon app built in react

Pokémon App 2

pokemon app built in next and deployed in vercel

Proyect slack clone

Proyect MERN Calendar App

App to save events in the calendar, with the MERN stack, use of json web token, hooks useReduce, Router and deploy in heroku


Implementation using React JS of the traditional rock-paper-scissors game with the MERN stack.

Use of hooks useState, UseSelector, dispatch, redux, enzyme, react-router, the front is created with react, the back in node with express and the db is with mongodb In addition, localStorage was used to maintain the user data and each round

How does it work?

You start on a screen where it asks for your name, when you start the game you will have available 3 cards Stone, Paper and Scissors, to play you just have to click on one of the cards, then the second player which is simulated by a computer will your move and will show the result, on the right side each round will come out, if one of the 2 players wins 3 times he will be the winner and the game will ask you to start again.

There is a link to the winners saved in the mongo database that are shown in the /winners route

Journal App

Use of SASS, react hooks useState, Redux, Firebase and Firestore, google sign-in, useSelector, upload images by API, route among others and deploy in netlify

Heroes SPA

Use of Router, history push / replace, useMemo, QueryString, Route protection, authReducer and deploy in netlify

Drinks apps

Project to get drinks through an api, using hooks useState, Context, material-ui, bootstrap

Songs App

App to obtain artist and song lyrics information consuming two apis simultaneously, use of axios, hooks useState, useEffect, PropTypes, Bootstrap

Cryptocurrencies App

App to obtain the price of cryptocurrencies in different currencies all obtained through an API, built in React with custom hooks, useState, useEffect, styled component

Weather App

App to obtain weather from cities through the API of using react with hooks useState

Insurance Quote App

Small app to quote car insurance using hooks, prop-types, Styled Components and deploy in netlify

Budget control App

Use of hooks useState and useEffect and deploy in netlify

Appointments App

Use of hooks useState, useEffect and localStorage and deploy in netlify

GIFExpertApp Project

Use of hooks, connection to gif image provider api



Project to get movies from an apple api

Using react with class components, prop-types, react-router, bootstrap

Images App

Image search through the pixabay API with react hooks useState, useEffect, bootstrap

Breaking bad App

Project to obtain breaking bad phrases through an API, and use of useState, useEffect and styled component hooks for the css

Local use of projects

go to directory cd my-app Install node modules npm i lift the project npm start