Introducing CearusTab! A well engineered and uniquely shaped macro keyboard that also happens to be open source!
Named after the roman personification of opportunity, luck and favorable moments, the CearusTab is designed in the shape of a stick in order to allow it to be used in versatile ways that a standard macro keyboard simply cannot, one of the more outstanding example being over your main keyboard, thus allowing you to keep your hands on the keyboard while using your computer.
This corrects one of the major design flaws of the classic macro keyboard, and improves your efficiency in a significant way.
It is also important to mention its programmability. As it is open source and you are expect to make your own code for it, you can program it to do anything you wish, even move your mouse(
You can assure yourself that this is among the best macro keyboards when set up properly (as in it ticks all the boxes required or possibly desired), however it does take some basic programming skills to program.