Terraform is a vendor neutral tool for provisioning infrastructures on Cloud platform, it supports almost all public cloud providers including AWS, Azure, GCP.
The selected cloud provider for this exercise is AWS
For this typical infrastructure, the terraform file include :
- provider.tf : using AWS with the required version
- terraform.tfvars: to set default parameters for the infrastructure provisioning
- variables.tf: this include all variables required for the the resources deployment
- main.tf: all resources to deployed can be declared in this file with reference to the variables.
- Virtual Private Cloud(Highy avalialable AZs)
- Public and Private Subnets
- Internet Gateway
- NAT gateway
- AWS Security Group
- Bastion host
- Application Load Balancer
- Target groups and listener
- Auto Scaling Group (EC2 instances)
- AWS CloudWatch
- Enable the IAM access using the AWS access and secret key, to have the priviledge accces to deploy resoucres on AWS.
- change directory to the parent directory of the repositiroy
- Use the following commands to deploy your infrastructure;
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply --auto-approve
- The ouput of the deplyments shows the load bbalancer url for the python application.
- The web applicaton is wriiten in python with flask package