Breaking changes
The authentication layer for xpra based sessions was removed. After this update, all xpra sessions will be exposed without authentication!
Reason for this change is a feature in the Capella Collaboration Manager, which automatically authenticates users against sessions (pre-authentication): https://github.com/DSD-DBS/capella-collab-manager/releases/tag/v3.1.0
If you don't use the Capella Collaboration Manager, you have to implement your own authentication mechanism.
Notable changes
The TeamForCapella commit messages, users, and timestamps will be added to Git commit messages with future importer jobs (TeamForCapella to Git) after this release. For example, a commit message will look like this:
- user: admin
time: '2024-03-25T16:51:20.523000+00:00'
description: null
- user: admin
time: '2024-03-25T16:50:57.138000+00:00'
description: First example commit
What's Changed
- feat: Add T4C commit information to backup commit by @dominik003 in #261
- perf!: Remove authentication layer for xpra sessions by @MoritzWeber0 in #265
Bug fixes
- fix(builder): Update removed Python Docker tag by @MoritzWeber0 in #267
- docs: Disable font-loading from Google Fonts by @MoritzWeber0 in #269
- build(deps): bump actions/add-to-project from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 by @dependabot in #260
- build(deps): bump actions/add-to-project from 0.6.1 to 1.0.0 by @dependabot in #264
- chore(docs): Format table in README with prettier by @MoritzWeber0 in #268
- feat(dev): Make workspace configurable by @MoritzWeber0 in #266
- refactor: Enable check-ast, mypy, pylint, pydocstyle & docformatter by @MoritzWeber0 in #271
Full Changelog: v1.18.0...v1.19.0