This guide is intended solely for educational purposes to help users understand the inner workings of Android applications and improve their skills in reverse engineering. It is not intended to be used for any malicious or illegal activities. The information provided is for learning and research only.
If you are the owner of an application or the GitHub repository associated with any content in this guide and have concerns, please feel free to contact me.
I do not take responsibility for any actions taken using this guide. Users are solely responsible for how they apply the information shared here. Please ensure that you are following all applicable laws and ethical guidelines when engaging in reverse engineering activities.
- Ubuntu OS
- WayDroid (android emulator)
- Ghidra (for reversing .so files)
- Jadx (for reading app source code)
- VScode
- ApkTool
- A linux distro (ubuntu recommended)
- Python (pyenv recommended)
- Basic linux and bash knowledge
- Basic android app developement knowledge (recommendable)
- Internet connection.
To use frida for advanced reversing, you need a rooted phone.
Rooting an android phone implies that the overall security will be lower, so i choosed an android virtual machine.
Here are the steps for installing an android virtual machine for linux (using wayland).
- sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
- Set WaylandEnable=true
sudo systemctl restart gdm3
- Select Wayland instead of X11 before logging into Ubuntu
sudo apt install curl ca-certificates -y
curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt install waydroid -y
sudo waydroid -w first-launch
sudo ufw disable
echo "Grab Waydroid IP address from Android Settings -> About"
adb connect <IP>:5555
echo "example: adb connect"
waydroid session stop
waydroid container stop
sudo apt remove --purge waydroid
sudo apt autoremove --purge
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/waydroid
sudo rm -rf ~/.config/waydroid
sudo apt remove --purge waydroid-kernel
sudo apt install -y openjdk-11-jdk # Ensure Java is installed
echo "download apktool release"
sudo apt install -y android-sdk
git clone
cd cd waydroid_script/
sudo $(pyenv which python)
echo "example: sudo /home/name/.pyenv/versions/3.13.0/bin/python"
After executing the python script, you will find some options. Select the corresponding android version, then install libhoudini (for compatibility with other apks) and magisk (to gain root access). When magisk is installed, open it in Waydroid, go to the "Superuser" tab, and enable the shell.
pip install frida-tools
Download Frida for Android
Open the app, grant root access, and activate the service.
more info:
more info:
pip install frida-tools
pip install lief
download frida gadget for android from github releases (must match architecture)
download the (uses lief)
decompile the target apk, and search for .so libraries in lib/ or find lib/ in bundled apks
example: target/lib/arm64-v8a/ -
Copy the /AndroidGameHacking/Hacking_Tools/Frida Scripts/ to the lib folder where .so files are located
copy the frida to the same folder of, also bring the script and replace the names in the script, then inyect.
Now calls -
recompile, allign, sign the apk and install
open the app (it will freeze until frida connects to it), and connect to it using:
frida -l 10.js -U Gadget
frida-trace -U Gadget
This was the .so injection method, there is another one that consist in modifying smali code in order to execute the file
Create a config file with the format: lib[name]
Example, if your frida gadget is called then the config file would be and the name is frida64.
Note that files that don't end with ".so" won't be copied to the apk. -
Config file content example:
"interaction": {
"type": "script",
"path": "/data/local/tmp/myScript.js"
- The last thing is pushing the "myScript.js" file to the target device, so frida gadget could find it.
View running processes
frida-ps -Ua
frida-ps -U
Connect to the process with a JavaScript file
frida -U -p <PID> -l <filename>.js
Or launch the procces with a JavasCript file
frida -U -l scriptName.js -f
Download it from the NSA GitHub
Run the launcher with bash
path = adb shell pm path
adb pull $(path) originalApp.apk
java -jar apktool.jar d input.apk -o output
In VSCode: cd output/smali/com/fingersoft/game
grep -r "coin"
change required .smali code
java -jar apktool_2.10.0.jar b output -o compiled.apk
zipalign -v 4 compiled.apk aligned.apk
keytool -genkeypair -v -keystore my-release-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias my-key
apksigner sign --ks my-release-key.jks --out signed.apk aligned.apk
apksigner verify signed.apk
adb install signed.apk
adb install-multiple *.apks
error: adb: failed to install apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-2]
Solution: In AndroidManifest.xml, set android:extractNativeLibs="true".
error: unable to run JADX with Java
Solution: apt-get purge openjdk*; sudo apt install default-jre
error: Ghidra does not recognize Java
Solution: sudo apt install openjdk-21-jdk
error: /res/values-v34/colors.xml:14: error: resource android:color/bright_foreground_dark is private.
solution: navigate to the respective file, and replace @android with @*android