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Use the term "remark" instead of "comment"
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oleks committed Jul 21, 2024
1 parent 43c7e8a commit 26f07cd
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Showing 13 changed files with 121 additions and 121 deletions.
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/Ast.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ data Mood

instance Out Mood

data CommentPart
= CommentStr String
| CommentCmt Comment
data RemarkPart
= RemarkStr String
| RemarkCmt Remark
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance Out CommentPart
instance Out RemarkPart

newtype Comment
= Comment (Mood, [CommentPart])
newtype Remark
= Remark (Mood, [RemarkPart])
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance Out Comment
instance Out Remark

newtype Property
= Property (String, PropertyExp)
Expand All @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ data PropertyExp
instance Out PropertyExp

data PdfMarkType
= PMComment String String -- Page Location
= PMRemark String String -- Page Location
| PMTickBox (Maybe Bool) String String -- Correct/Wrong Page Location
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

Expand All @@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ data PropertyArithFun
instance Out PropertyArithFun

data Judgement
= Judgement (Header, [Property], [Comment], [Judgement])
| Bonus (Int, [Property], [Comment])
= Judgement (Header, [Property], [Remark], [Judgement])
| Bonus (Int, [Property], [Remark])
| Feedback ([Property], String)
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

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38 changes: 19 additions & 19 deletions src/Export/Html.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,15 +111,15 @@ htmlTableHead (Judgement (_, _, _, js)) =

htmlJudgement :: Judgement -> Doc
htmlJudgement (Feedback _) = empty
htmlJudgement (j@(Bonus (_, _, comments))) =
(tr $ td $ lookupTotal j) $$ (trhidden $ htmlDetailComments comments)
htmlJudgement (j@(Judgement (_, _, comments, judgements))) =
htmlJudgement (j@(Bonus (_, _, remarks))) =
(tr $ td $ lookupTotal j) $$ (trhidden $ htmlDetailRemarks remarks)
htmlJudgement (j@(Judgement (_, _, remarks, judgements))) =
( tr $
(td . toggle $ lookupTitle j)
$$ vcat (map htmlSubJudgement judgements)
$$ (td $ lookupTotal j)
$$ (trhidden $ tdspan (length judgements + 2) $ (htmlDetailComments comments $$ htmlDetailJudgements judgements))
$$ (trhidden $ tdspan (length judgements + 2) $ (htmlDetailRemarks remarks $$ htmlDetailJudgements judgements))

htmlSubJudgement :: Judgement -> Doc
htmlSubJudgement j = td $ lookupTotal j
Expand All @@ -129,21 +129,21 @@ htmlDetailJudgements = vcat . (map htmlDetailJudgement)

htmlDetailJudgement :: Judgement -> Doc
htmlDetailJudgement (Feedback _) = empty
htmlDetailJudgement (j@(Bonus (_, _, comments))) =
details (text "Bonus" <+> parens (lookupTotal j)) (htmlDetailComments comments)
htmlDetailJudgement (j@(Judgement (_, _, comments, judgements))) =
htmlDetailJudgement (j@(Bonus (_, _, remarks))) =
details (text "Bonus" <+> parens (lookupTotal j)) (htmlDetailRemarks remarks)
htmlDetailJudgement (j@(Judgement (_, _, remarks, judgements))) =
(lookupTitle j <+> parens (lookupTotal j <> text "/" <> lookupMaxPoints j))
(htmlDetailComments comments $$ htmlDetailJudgements judgements)
(htmlDetailRemarks remarks $$ htmlDetailJudgements judgements)

htmlDetailComments :: [Comment] -> Doc
htmlDetailComments [] = empty
htmlDetailComments comments =
ul . vcat $ map htmlDetailComment comments
htmlDetailRemarks :: [Remark] -> Doc
htmlDetailRemarks [] = empty
htmlDetailRemarks remarks =
ul . vcat $ map htmlDetailRemark remarks

htmlDetailComment :: Comment -> Doc
htmlDetailComment (Comment (mood, commentParts)) =
liclass (htmlDetailMood mood) $ vcat $ map htmlDetailCommentPart commentParts
htmlDetailRemark :: Remark -> Doc
htmlDetailRemark (Remark (mood, remarkParts)) =
liclass (htmlDetailMood mood) $ vcat $ map htmlDetailRemarkPart remarkParts

htmlDetailMood :: Mood -> String
htmlDetailMood Positive = "plus"
Expand All @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ htmlDetailMood Neutral = "star"
htmlDetailMood Impartial = "quest"
htmlDetailMood Warning = "excl"

htmlDetailCommentPart :: CommentPart -> Doc
htmlDetailCommentPart (CommentStr string) = text string
htmlDetailCommentPart (CommentCmt comment) =
ul $ htmlDetailComment comment
htmlDetailRemarkPart :: RemarkPart -> Doc
htmlDetailRemarkPart (RemarkStr string) = text string
htmlDetailRemarkPart (RemarkCmt remark) =
ul $ htmlDetailRemark remark
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Export/HtmlTable.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ formatStart :: Judgement -> [Row]
formatStart (Bonus _) = []
formatStart (Feedback _) = []
formatStart (j@(Judgement (_, _, cs, js))) =
[(getTitle j) : (getTotal j) : r1, "" : (formatComments cs) : r2]
[(getTitle j) : (getTotal j) : r1, "" : (formatRemarks cs) : r2]
-- [(getTitle j):(getTotal j):r1]

(r1, r2) = concatUnzipMap formatJudgement js

formatJudgement :: Judgement -> (Row, Row)
formatJudgement (j@(Bonus (_, _, cs))) = ([getTotal j], [formatComments cs])
formatJudgement (j@(Bonus (_, _, cs))) = ([getTotal j], [formatRemarks cs])
formatJudgement (Feedback _) = ([], [])
formatJudgement (j@(Judgement (_, _, cs, js))) =
((getTotal j) : r1, (formatComments cs) : r2)
((getTotal j) : r1, (formatRemarks cs) : r2)
(r1, r2) = concatUnzipMap formatJudgement js

Expand All @@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ concatUnzipMap f l =
(c1, c2) = unzip $ map f l

formatComments :: [Comment] -> String
formatComments cs = concat $ intersperse "<br>" $ map (\x -> "" ++ ppComment x) cs
formatRemarks :: [Remark] -> String
formatRemarks cs = concat $ intersperse "<br>" $ map (\x -> "" ++ ppRemark x) cs
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/Export/MD.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ formatJudgement depth (Feedback (_, t)) =
(text $ replicate depth '#') <+> text "Feedback" <> colon
$+$ text "+"
<> text t
formatJudgement depth (j@(Judgement (_, _, comments, judgements))) =
formatJudgement depth (j@(Judgement (_, _, remarks, judgements))) =
formatHeader depth j
$+$ (nest 2 $ vcat $ map formatComment comments)
$+$ (nest 2 $ vcat $ map formatRemark remarks)
$+$ text ""
$+$ (vcat $ map (formatJudgement (depth + 1)) judgements)

Expand All @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ formatHeader depth j =
<> text "/"
<> lookupMaxPoints j

formatComment :: Comment -> Doc
formatComment (Comment (mood, commentParts)) =
text "*" <+> formatMood mood <+> (vcat $ map formatCommentPart commentParts)
formatRemark :: Remark -> Doc
formatRemark (Remark (mood, remarkParts)) =
text "*" <+> formatMood mood <+> (vcat $ map formatRemarkPart remarkParts)

formatMood :: Mood -> Doc
formatMood Positive = text "(+)"
Expand All @@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ formatMood Mixed = text "(~)"
formatMood Impartial = text "(?)"
formatMood Warning = text "(!)"

formatCommentPart :: CommentPart -> Doc
formatCommentPart (CommentStr string) = text string
formatCommentPart (CommentCmt comment) = nest 2 $ formatComment comment
formatRemarkPart :: RemarkPart -> Doc
formatRemarkPart (RemarkStr string) = text string
formatRemarkPart (RemarkCmt remark) = nest 2 $ formatRemark remark
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/Export/PdfMark.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,23 +23,23 @@ genPdfMark js = render $ (header $+$ text "" $+$ jmts)
$+$ text " /DOCINFO pdfmark"

formatJudgement :: Judgement -> Doc
formatJudgement j@(Judgement (_, properties, comments, judgements)) =
(vcat $ map (formatPdfMark (formatHeader j) (formatPoints j) properties comments) properties)
formatJudgement j@(Judgement (_, properties, remarks, judgements)) =
(vcat $ map (formatPdfMark (formatHeader j) (formatPoints j) properties remarks) properties)
$+$ (vcat $ map formatJudgement judgements)
formatJudgement j@(Bonus (_, properties, comments)) =
(vcat $ map (formatPdfMark (text "Bonus") (formatPoints j) properties comments) properties)
formatJudgement j@(Bonus (_, properties, remarks)) =
(vcat $ map (formatPdfMark (text "Bonus") (formatPoints j) properties remarks) properties)
formatJudgement (Feedback (properties, txt)) =
(vcat $ map (formatPdfMark (text "Feedback") (text txt) properties []) properties)

formatPdfMark :: Doc -> Doc -> [Property] -> [Comment] -> Property -> Doc
formatPdfMark :: Doc -> Doc -> [Property] -> [Remark] -> Property -> Doc
formatPdfMark header points props comms (Property ("pdfmark", List pmtype)) =
formatPdfMarkType pmtype header points props comms
formatPdfMark _ _ _ _ _ = empty

formatPdfMarkType :: [String] -> Doc -> Doc -> [Property] -> [Comment] -> Doc
formatPdfMarkType (("Comment") : rest) header points _ comms =
formatPdfMarkType :: [String] -> Doc -> Doc -> [Property] -> [Remark] -> Doc
formatPdfMarkType (("Remark") : rest) header points _ comms =
text "[" <+> text "/Title" <+> (parens header)
$+$ text " /Contents" <+> parens (points <> text "\n" <> (text $ formatComments comms))
$+$ text " /Contents" <+> parens (points <> text "\n" <> (text $ formatRemarks comms))
$+$ text " /SrcPg" <+> text page
$+$ text " /Rect" <+> text loc
$+$ text " /Subtype /Text"
Expand All @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ formatPdfMarkType (("Comment") : rest) header points _ comms =
loc = head $ tail rest
formatPdfMarkType _ _ _ _ _ = empty

formatComments :: [Comment] -> String
formatComments cs = concat $ intersperse "\n" $ map (\x -> "" ++ (escapeParens $ ppComment x)) cs
formatRemarks :: [Remark] -> String
formatRemarks cs = concat $ intersperse "\n" $ map (\x -> "" ++ (escapeParens $ ppRemark x)) cs

formatHeader :: Judgement -> Doc
formatHeader j = text (getTitle j)
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/MergeAsts.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,6 @@ mergeMaybeJudgement j Nothing = j
mergeMaybeJudgement j (Just jp) = mergeJudgement j jp

mergeJudgement :: Judgement -> Judgement -> Judgement
mergeJudgement (Judgement (header, p1, comments, subjs)) (Judgement (_, p2, [], subpjs)) =
Judgement (header, p1 ++ p2, comments, (mergeProps subjs subpjs))
mergeJudgement (Judgement (header, p1, remarks, subjs)) (Judgement (_, p2, [], subpjs)) =
Judgement (header, p1 ++ p2, remarks, (mergeProps subjs subpjs))
mergeJudgement j _ = j -- If there is something with bonus, just not add anything
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/Parser/ImplMegaparsec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ parseBonus _ = do
total <- parsePointsNum
properties <- sepEndBy parseProperty endline
comments <- many $ parseComment 1
pure $ Bonus (total, properties, comments)
remarks <- many $ parseRemark 1
pure $ Bonus (total, properties, remarks)

parseFeedback :: Int -> MrkParser Judgement
parseFeedback depth = do
Expand All @@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ parseRegularJudgement depth title = do
maxPoints <- parsePointsNum
properties <- sepEndBy parseProperty newline
comments <- many $ parseComment 1
remarks <- many $ parseRemark 1
js <- many (parseJudgement (depth + 1))
pure $ Judgement (Header (title, total, maxPoints), properties, comments, js)
pure $ Judgement (Header (title, total, maxPoints), properties, remarks, js)

parseProperty :: MrkParser Property
parseProperty = try property
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,15 +218,15 @@ parsePropertyArithFun =
string "if" *> pure If

parseComment :: Int -> MrkParser Comment
parseComment depth = do
parseRemark :: Int -> MrkParser Remark
parseRemark depth = do
void $ try $ string $ concat $ replicate depth indentation
mood <- parseMood
comment <- parseLine
remark <- parseLine
morecmt <- many contStr
comments <- many (parseComment $ depth + 1)
pure $ Comment (mood, [(CommentStr comment)] ++ (map CommentStr morecmt) ++ (map CommentCmt comments))
remarks <- many (parseRemark $ depth + 1)
pure $ Remark (mood, [(RemarkStr remark)] ++ (map RemarkStr morecmt) ++ (map RemarkCmt remarks))
contStr = do
void $ try $ ((string $ concat $ replicate (depth + 1) indentation) >> notFollowedBy parseMood)
Expand Down
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions src/Pending.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Prelude hiding ((<>))

data PendingTree
= Node String Int Bool [PendingTree]
-- Name, Number of Comments, Is pending, Subtree
-- Name, Number of Remarks, Is pending, Subtree
deriving (Eq, Show)

data FormatTree
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,14 +65,14 @@ formatSubTrees ft (t : ts) =

formatSubTree :: (FormatTree -> FormatTree) -> PendingTree -> Doc
-- formatSubTree ft (Node "" _ _ _) = empty
formatSubTree ft (Node s cs _ ts) = text s <> formatTreeComments ft cs <> formatSubTrees ft ts
formatSubTree ft (Node s cs _ ts) = text s <> formatTreeRemarks ft cs <> formatSubTrees ft ts

formatTreeComments :: (FormatTree -> FormatTree) -> Int -> Doc
formatTreeComments _ 0 = empty
formatTreeComments ft cs =
linebreak <> showTree (ft TQuest) <> text (makePlural cs "impartial comment")
formatTreeRemarks :: (FormatTree -> FormatTree) -> Int -> Doc
formatTreeRemarks _ 0 = empty
formatTreeRemarks ft cs =
linebreak <> showTree (ft TQuest) <> text (makePlural cs "impartial remark")

size :: PendingTree -> ((Int, Int), Int) -- (Pending, Total), Comments
size :: PendingTree -> ((Int, Int), Int) -- (Pending, Total), Remarks
size (Node _ cs True []) = ((1, 1), cs)
size (Node _ cs False []) = ((0, 1), cs)
size (Node _ cs _ pt) = foldl tupAdd ((0, 0), cs) $ map size pt
Expand All @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ trimPendingTree (Node s cs True ts) = Node s cs True (map trimPendingTree ts)

showTasks :: ((Int, Int), Int) -> String
showTasks ((n, s), 0) = " : " ++ show n ++ " of " ++ show s ++ " " ++ makePlural n "task" ++ " (" ++ showPercentage n s ++ ")"
showTasks ((0, _), m) = " : " ++ show m ++ " " ++ makePlural m "comment" ++ ")"
showTasks ((n, s), m) = " : " ++ show n ++ " of " ++ show s ++ " " ++ makePlural n "task" ++ " (" ++ showPercentage n s ++ ")" ++ " and " ++ show m ++ " " ++ makePlural m "comment"
showTasks ((0, _), m) = " : " ++ show m ++ " " ++ makePlural m "remark" ++ ")"
showTasks ((n, s), m) = " : " ++ show n ++ " of " ++ show s ++ " " ++ makePlural n "task" ++ " (" ++ showPercentage n s ++ ")" ++ " and " ++ show m ++ " " ++ makePlural m "remark"

showPercentage :: Int -> Int -> String
showPercentage n s = show (div (n * 100) (s)) ++ "%"
Expand All @@ -119,16 +119,16 @@ pendingJudgement (Judgement (Header (t, _, _), _, cs, subJs)) =
sub_pending = concatMap pendingJudgement subJs
has_pending = or $ map (\(Node _ _ b _) -> b) sub_pending

countImpartials :: [Comment] -> Int
countImpartials :: [Remark] -> Int
countImpartials = sum . (map countImpartial)

countImpartial :: Comment -> Int
countImpartial (Comment (Impartial, cps)) = 1 + (sum $ map countImpartialCP cps)
countImpartial (Comment (_, cps)) = sum $ map countImpartialCP cps
countImpartial :: Remark -> Int
countImpartial (Remark (Impartial, cps)) = 1 + (sum $ map countImpartialCP cps)
countImpartial (Remark (_, cps)) = sum $ map countImpartialCP cps

countImpartialCP :: CommentPart -> Int
countImpartialCP (CommentStr _) = 0
countImpartialCP (CommentCmt c) = countImpartial c
countImpartialCP :: RemarkPart -> Int
countImpartialCP (RemarkStr _) = 0
countImpartialCP (RemarkCmt c) = countImpartial c

findPending :: Maybe Int -> [Judgement] -> Maybe (String)
findPending detailLevel js =
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