Releases: DIGGSml/schema-dev
Release 2.6
This is a new production release of DIGGS, with many enhancements to the schema as compared to v. 2.5.a. Legacy instance documents should verify under v. 2.6, but new instances should be written to this standard.
Please post any issues with this release (compatibility or otherwise) to:
schemaLocation for this version (Note: this is changed from Complete.xsd or Kernel.xsd in 2.5.a)
XML Namespace
Example instances
What's Changed
Latest patch involved updates to imports and includes in schema files. No impact to instances.
Full Changelog from 2.5.a: 2.5.a...2.6
Summary of Changes
- DIGGS now uses WITMSL 2.0 unit symbols and measure types, which greatly expands available units of measure. We have noted some incompatibility with WITSML 1.0 used in versions 2.5.a and have addressed those we've noted. Please post an issue if you note any problems.
- Two new DIGGS object classes (top level properties) have been added: constructionActivity and program. These extensions are designed to handle project construction activities as design and construction specifications.
- Extensions added to support rock, permeation, compaction, jet and deep soil mixing grouting. These extensions are in the new Construction.xsd schema document.
- Extensions added to support processed and field geophysical measurements. These additions are in the Geophysics.xsd schema document.
- Updated Lithology object to better accommodate USCS and AASHTO group names and symbols.
- Many new test procedures have been added. Go here to view currently supported test procedures.
- Main schema file now changed to Diggs.xsd (from Complete.xsd or Kernel.xsd).
- Several GML time measure types have been added to gml3.2Profile_diggs.xsd.
- Added gml:File and gml:FileType to gml3.2Profile_diggs.xml.
- diggs:UnifitedDateTimeType deprecated and replaced with gml:TimePositionType.
- Numerous object definitions have been added or updated.
- Updated dictionary_diggs.xsd to include DIGGS Definition object
- Numerous under the hood chabges that have no effect on instances or validation (eg. type element names, removal of orphaned elements, etc.)
2.6 (pre-release)
This is a pre-production release of DIGGS additions and improvements over 2.5.a. Existing instance documents validated under 2.5.a should also validate under 2.6 with the exception of triaxial tests. It is recommended that existing instance documents be validated against 2.6 and modified if required.
A final release will be scheduled within two weeks. Please post a new issue with any comments or questions.
Full Changelog: 2.5.a...2.6-pre
Summary of changes from version 2.5.a will be provided in description of final release.
Release 2.5.a
This is a pre-production release of DIGGS with significant structural changes and improvements over 2.0.b. and designed to handle ODOT and AASHTO requirements for adoption. Existing instance documents will not validate under 2.5.a. It is recommended that existing instance documents be rewritten to 2.5.a.
Release 2.0.b
The final version of DIGGS Schema version 2.0.b was released May, 2016.
Release 2.0a
DIGGS version 2.0a was released on June 30, 2012.