Framework for weak whole slide learning with attention: compress and classify whole slide images.
Requires ASAP and the wholeslidedata package and optionally pathology-whole-slide-packer.
Preprocessing: For slides bigger then ~50k pixels in height/width packing is recommended,
as otherwise the gpu out of memory might occur.
- Compress the slides
- Train Classifier
- Evaluate/apply classifier
For compression several pretrained encoders are supported, i.e.
- res50: an ImageNet pretrained ResNet50
- mtdp_res50: Histologically pretrained encoder by Mormont et al. [1] Requires the multitask-dipath
library to be present in the PYTHONPATH ( - histossl: Histologically pretrained ResNet18 encoder by Ciga et al. [2]. Requires to
download their model to ~/.torch/models
More documentation to follow soon
Requires python 3.10 and pip<=24.0
pip install -r requirements.txt
The training code has a dependency to pytorch-lightning 1.7.7.
The framework expects tissue masks as pyramidal images. They can be create, for example, via the script create_tissue_masks
from the library
First, the slides are compressed with an encoder at specific spacing. Here, a bash template example:
data=<slide_directory or csv>
mask_dir=<tissue masks, e.g. <slide_name>_tissue.tif>
spacing=0.5; spacing_str="sp05"
patch_size=224; stride=224
python3 wsilearn/compress/ \
--data=$data --mask_dir=$masks --out_dir=$out_dir \
--encoder=${encoder} --mask_spacing=4 \
--batch_size=${batch_size} --spacing=${spacing} --stride=${stride} --patch_size=${patch_size} \
If the script is run on the same slides in parallel, the flag clear_locks should be removed. In the end, a csv with a summary of the compressed slides is created (necessary for the next step).
The data needs to be split in at least a training and validation partition via csv. The csv should have the columns: name, split (i.e. training, validation) and one column for each target class in one-hot encoding. A minimal configuration could look like this:
There can be more splits in the configuration, which are then treated as different testing subsets and evaluated after training end. There can be also a column category can be used to compute additional evaluation metrics for subsets of a split.
The configuration may contain other columns. This allows to specify different targets while keeping the same data configuration. The (hot-encoded) target class columns are given via the class_names parameter separated by commas.
data_config=<data_config.csv>; preprocess_dir=<compressed out_dir>
encoder=res50; enc_dim=1024
monitor=val_auc #also supported val_loss and other metrics shown in the generated history.csv
python3 wsilearn/ \
--data_config=$data --preprocess_dir=$preprocess_dir --out_dir=$out_dir \
--precision=16 --autoname --enc_dim=$enc_dim \
--train_type=clf --class_names=$class_names \
--monitor=$monitor \ --net_conf.dropout=$dropout \
--num_workers=4 --seed=$seed \
--no_heatmaps --no_out
Important additional parameters:
- pathes_csv: (name,path) with the pathes to the slides so that heatmaps can be created if the script is run without the no_heatmaps flat can be created
- net_conf.topk: number of patches with highest attention to compute the predictions
- balance: sample compressed slides inverse to their frequency
- early_patience: number of epochs for early stopping (default is 25)
Multi-label classification is supported with the same configuration format via: --train_type=multilabel
The goal is here to predict the time to event. As loss function we use the CoxPHLoss from pycox ( As this loss function is based on the ordering of the samples, this requires a batch size > 1 (e.g. 32 or 64). The batch should contain non-censored samples to compute properly - this is ensured via the balance flag. Training with more then one sample in a batch requires also cropping/padding, therefore crop_size (e.g. 120: 120 patches x 120 patches) needs be specified. This determines the size of randomly cropped sections of the compressed slides. In the configuration two target columns need to be specified: event column (0,1) and the time column, for example:
data_config=<data_config.csv>; preprocess_dir=<compressed out_dir>
encoder=res50; enc_dim=1024; dropout=0.25; seed=1
monitor=val_cind #use validation concordance index as early stopping criterium
python3 wsilearn/ \
--data_config=$data --preprocess_dir=$preprocess_dir --out_dir=$out_dir \
--precision=16 --autoname --enc_dim=$enc_dim \
--train_type=surv --class_names=event,time \
--batch_size=64 --crop_size=120 --balance \
--monitor=$monitor \ --net_conf.dropout=$dropout --net_conf.out_dim=1 \
--num_workers=4 --seed=$seed \
--no_heatmaps --no_out
The trained models can be evaluated on a new dataset via the evaluation script:
python3 wsilearn/ \
--model_dir=${model_dir} --data_config=${data_config} --preprocess_dir=$preprocess_dir \
--out_dir=$out_dir --pathes_csv=$pathes_csv --num_workers=4
[1] Mormont, Romain, Pierre Geurts, and Raphaël Marée. "Multi-task pre-training of deep neural networks for digital pathology." IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 25.2 (2020): 412-421
[2] Ciga, Ozan, Tony Xu, and Anne Louise Martel. "Self supervised contrastive learning for digital histopathology." Machine Learning with Applications 7 (2022): 100198.