This developed collection of code accompanies "Uneven biodiversity sampling across redlined urban areas in the United States" by Diego Ellis-Soto, Millie Chapman and Dexter H. Locke
01_gbif_biodiversity_by_HOLC_singlepolygon_2023.R: This script downloads bird biodiversity records for each HOLC graded area across 195 cities in the USA
02_R4_uneven_biodiversity_data_2023.R: The aim of this script is to create multiple summary tables and analysis which represent the foundation for statistical analysis on our study. Specifically, sampling density, survey completeness and biodiversity coldspots are calculated. Temporal trends of biodiversity across HOLC grades is calculating using a generalized additive model.
Data statement: Data used in this analysis is publicly available in Dryad ( and was queried from GBIF as a derived dataset ( Climatic predictors used in our analysis are publicly available through the Chelsa Climatology platform ( and remote sensing data is available on Google Earth Engine and the PAD-US dataset can be downloaded from the United States Geological Survey website