This organization is used to collect and publish all coding projects that were created during our courses at DHBW Friedrichshafen (10/2020 - 09/2023).
- DEV-CHAT, an online chat in console-style (also view the evaluation on aspects of software quality)
- WebNotes, an online note app with collaboration functionality
- U Never Game Alone, a webapp to find gamers playing the same game
- Schokofinder, an online chocolate quiz
- Essensfindung, a program to search for restaurant or recipe suggestions
- Sysprog-TIT20, a program that evaluates time differences between timestamps, written in assembly x86-64
- Flight School, an online flight school / simulator build with three.js
- Know Where You Go, eine Webanwendung die Ihnen hilft herauszufinden wo Sie sind und wohin Sie gehen.
- Skateboard
- Zoo
- Lost Island
- DHBW E-Mail: [email protected]
- E-Mail: [email protected]
- DHBW E-Mail: [email protected]
- E-Mail: [email protected]