QEVIS is a visual analytics system, which supports the visual exploration of query execution at multiple levels of granularity in Apache Hive.
This repository contains the source code of a demo system for QEVIS, which includes a frontend, a backend and code for processing log data of Hive.
: a backend server for visual analysis system using Javadata_process
: Python scripts to collect and clean data fetched from Hivefrontend
: a web-based interface implemented by Vue.js
To run this demo system with provided data, you need:
- Java 1.8 envornment with maven
- Python 3.7
- Node.js 16
- MySQL 5.7
Due to the size limit, in this repository we only provide 10 representative sample data from the real employment environment.
Data is zipped and locates at <project_root>/data_process/zipped_data
. Unzip all data by executing commands
chmod 777 ./unzip_data.sh
Then you will get a new folder data
which contains 10 folders. Each folder contains:
- A log file collected from Hive application execution
- An input SQL text
- A physical execution plan for input SQL
- A folder that contains all monitoring data for each mechine
- A json file that contains execution infomation
These data can be fetched directly from Hive system or collected via the scripts we provided.
Then you can pre-process these data via Python scripts located in data_process
cd <project_root>/data-process
# You can use a virtual environment here. Python version is 3.7.
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Check Python command
python3.7 --version
# Run process script
chmod 777 ./process.sh
./process.sh ./data
You will see process done
on the screen when it finishes.
This demo system has a backend with SpringBoot and a frontend with Vue.js.
To setup the enviornment of backend:
cd <project_root>/backend
mvn clean package # this commond will download maven packages from the internet
# then a jar will be created in the target folder
To setup the enviornment of frontend:
cd <project_root>/frontend
# Node.js 16 is required
npm install # this commond will download npm packages from the internet
Notice that Node.js 16 is required to run the frontend server.
This demo system uses MySQL 5.7 for data storage. Enter your MySQL and execute these commands:
-- Create database and user
create database if not exists qevis_db;
create user 'qevis_user'@'%' identified by 'qevis_pwd';
grant all privileges on qevis_db.* to 'qevis_user'@'%';
flush privileges;
-- Switch user and database, then create tables use DDL file
soruce <project_root>/backend/database/qevis_ddl.sql;
show tables;
Last command should print:
| Tables_in_qevis_db |
| application |
| counter |
| diagnose |
| event |
| map_transfer |
| record |
| task |
| test_table |
| transfer |
| vertex |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Then modify the settings of Java backend for connecting to MySQL.
# <project_root>/src/main/resources/application.yml
# You need to replace the placeholder `<your_ip>` and `<your_port>` (3306 by default).
url: jdbc:mysql://<your_ip>:<your_port>/qevis_db?serverTimezone=UTC&rewriteBatchedStatements=true
username: qevis_user
password: qevis_pwd
// <project_root>/src/test/java/com/dbgroup/qevis/Loader.java
// You need to replace the placeholder `<project_root>`.
public static final String DATA_PATH = "<project_root>/data_process/data";
Now you can load the data into database. Run these commands:
cd <project_root>/backend
mvn clean package test -Dtest="Loader#mainLoader"
You will see the output:
Load application 0_Query49 OK
Load diagnose 4_Query54 OK
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 246.596 sec
Frontend server needs to know the IP of backend. Modify the file:
// <project_root>/frontend/src/service/dataService2.js
// You need to replace the placeholder <your_ip>
const dataServerUrl = "http://<your_ip>:12000";
Backend server doesn't need other settings, and a jar has already created in step 3.
Now you can launch QEVIS demo system via following commands in two shells:
cd <project_root>/backend
java -jar ./target/qevis-java-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
cd <project_root>/frontend
npm run serve
You can also choose to run them as background processes.
Then if both backend and frontend launch successfully, visit http://<your_ip>:12000
and you will see the interface.