Boris Lehečka, Czech Language Institute, Czech Republic
TEI Conference and Members' Meeting 2019
- Černá, A. and Lehečka, B. (2016). Metodika přípravy a zpracování elektronických edic starších českých textů. (The Methodology of the preparation and processing of electronic editions of Old Czech texts.) [pdf] Praha: oddělení vývoje jazyka Ústavu pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i. Available at: <>
- eEdice. An add-in for Microsoft Word 2010 and higher, containing definitions of the paragraph and character styles and some tools facilitating the text and metadata editing. Available at: <>.
- Digital editions available at <>. Part of Vokabulář webový: webové hnízdo pramenů k poznání historické češtiny [online]. Praha: Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR, v. v. i., oddělení vývoje jazyka. © 2006–2019.
- Presentation: Presentation (PPTX format) from the Conference and Members’ Meeting of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium 2019 in Graz.
- Register: XML file with metadata about the digital editions.
- Transformations: XML file with the definition of the transformation process. Whole process is represented by one or more transformation. Each transformation consists of one or more steps (i. e. XSLT transformations).
- Xsl: Directory with XSLT files used during the transformation process.
- Conversion: Directory with input DOCX documents, result of individual transformation steps and the final XML TEI.
- DOCX: DOCX documents (so called electronic editions)
- Input: Result of the conversion of DOCX to flat XML document (elements represents paragraph and character styles, footnotes, comments, or table).
- Temp: Result of individual transformation steps. Each DOCX file has its own directory. Each transformation, consisting of several steps, shares the same suffix in the file name.
- Output: Final XML TEI documents.