The Cyber City Circuits Mini Tone Keyboard is an Arduino compatible music keyboard with 2.5 octaves, a luxurious ATMEGA328PB micro-controller, a beautiful CH-340G USB interface, 4 luminous WS2812E RGB LEDs, a standard on-board speaker, and a morphenomenal 3.5mm jack adapter so that you can connect it to your existing sound systems/mixers. The board is fully compatible with the Arduino IDE if you select 'Arduino Nano' in the 'Board Manager'.
The WS2812E LEDs are the same ones that Adafruit uses for their NeoPixel lights and it uses the Adafruit Neopixel library.
Pin Name | Pin |
Speaker | 3 |
RGB LED Data | 2 |
Other LED | 16 |
Button Row 1 | 6 |
Button Row 2 | 10 |
Button Row 3 | 11 |
Button Row 4 | 14 |
Button Row 5 | 13 |
Button Col 1 | 8 |
Button Col 2 | 5 |
Button Col 3 | 15 |
Button Col 4 | 7 |
Button Col 5 | 9 |
Button Col 6 | 12 |