Starting place for development and testing of the Drupal 10 version of Web Express.
composer -v # verify that you have have composer 2.x installed
composer self-update # update composer to the latest version (if necessary)
cd <project-name>
open .lando.yml and replace the name value on line 1 with the development/testing name you would like to use
composer update # download and install all of the required packages you need
lando start # this command will take a while the first time it is run
(optional) switch theme/profile/modules to development/testing branches
lando install-site # this will install (or drop your DB and re-install) drupal using the CU Boulder profile
Addtional step for local development
(not yet implemented) lando drush simplesamlphp_auth # uninstall the SAML module to allow local log-ins to work
If new versions of drupal core/contrib modules need to be installed, you should run composer update or composer require as needed and check in the new version of composer.json. If you need to update the version of composer itself, that is found in the .lando.yml file configuration.