This repository contains a project carried out for the master's degree in Big Data by the UEMC. The goal is to develop an interactive web application based on data and machine learning models. For this, a Python application has been developed using Streamlit, an open source Python library that facilitates the creation of custom web applications for machine learning and data science. The application will allow the user the following:
- View the description of the Dataset.
- Visualize the original and coded dataset and ready to train the model.
- Visualize the Exploratory Analysis of the data (EDA) carried out.
- Visualize and interact with different graphs of your choice, being able to choose the different characteristics in the comparison.
- Choose an algorithm to train the model (Decision Tree or Random Forest).
- Visualize the accuracy and other metrics of interest of the trained algorithm.
- Enter the value of each of the features to test and predict on the trained model.